Synonyms: |
Cassidelina complanata (Egger, 1893) | used in: HAYW2011 | | Cassidella complanata (Egger, 1893) | used in: HAYW2011 | | Stainforthia complanata (Egger, 1893) | used in: HAYW2011 | | Virgulina complanata Egger, 1893 | used in: HAYW2011 | | Virgulina schreibersiana complanata Egger, 1893 | used in: HAYW2011 | | |
Morphological Attributes:
Wallmaterial: hyaline Overall appearance: elongate Coiling: biserial Chamberform: triangular to trapezoid Aperture Position: terminal Aperture Form: arcuate lunear arch, --, --, lip Sutures: depressed, curved, -- Ornamentation: --, --, spinose, --
identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent French Polynesia and off Challenger Station 276 FEU-1003439
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent off Argentina Challenger Station 332 FEU-1003440
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Banda, Timor and Arafura Sea Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea FEU-1020622
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Banda, Timor and Arafura Sea Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea FEU-1020623
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Banda, Timor and Arafura Sea Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea FEU-1020624
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identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Banda, Timor and Arafura Sea Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea FEU-1020625
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Banda, Timor and Arafura Sea Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea FEU-1020626
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Gulf of Mexico Alaminos Canyon FEU-1025018
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent Azores SO286 Station 67 FEU-1023232
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent off West Africa Mauritanian Slope FEU-1014714
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identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent off West Africa Mauritanian Slope FEU-1018309
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent off West Africa Mauritanian Slope FEU-1016537
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent Greater North Sea North Sea WH335 Box D FEU-1021917
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent Greater North Sea North Sea WH335 Box D FEU-1021918
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent Greater North Sea North Sea WH335 Box D FEU-1021919
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identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent Pacific off Alaska Sitka FEU-1023974
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