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146296: Cushman, J. A.; McCulloch, I. (1939). A report on some arenaceous Foraminifera. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions. 6(2): 1-113..
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146365: Douvillé, H. (1924). Les Orbitoïdes et leur évolution en Amérique. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France. (4) 23 (7/8): 369-376..
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146410: Folin, L. de. (1882). Recherches sur quelques foraminifères à l'effet d'obtenir des preuves à l'appui de la classification de certains organismes vaseux. Congrès scientifique Dax, 1ère Session (Mai 1882). 297-329..
146411: Folin, L. (1888). Considérations physiologiques sur les Rhizopodes réticulaires. Le Naturaliste. (2) 10: 60-62, 86-88, 109-111, 122-123, 134-135, 156-158..
146413: Fornasini, C. (1894). I foraminiferi della collezione Soldani relativa al « Saggio Orittografico » esistente nel Museo paleontologico del R. Istituto di Studi Superiori in Firenze. Tipografia Gamberini e Parmeggiani, Bologna. 32 pp..
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146437: Fornasini, C. (1903). Illustrazione di specie orbignyane di «Nummulitidae» istituite nel 1826. Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana. 22: 395-397..
146440: Franzenau, A. (1884). Heterolepa, egy uj genus a foraminiferák rendjében. Heterolepa, eine neue Gattung aus der Ordnung der Foraminiferen. Természetrajzi Füzetek / Naturhistorische Hefte. 8 (3): 181-184, 214-217..
146443: Franzenau, A. (1892). A romhány tályag. Der Tegel von Romhány. Természetrajzi Füzetek / Naturhistorische Hefte. 15 (3): 107-113, 138-143..
146447: Galloway, J. J.; Morrey, M. (1929). A lower Tertiary foraminiferal fauna from Manta, Ecuador. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 15(55): 1-56..
146455: Goës, A. (1882). On the Reticularian Rhizopoda of the Caribbean Sea. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. 19 (4): 12 PLATES..
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146466: Gümbel C. W., von. (1870). Beiträge zur Foraminiferenfauna der nordalpinen, älteren Eocängebilde oder der Kressenberger Nummulitenschichten. Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Physikalischen Klasse der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 10(2)[1868]: 581-730..
146468: Guppy, R. J. L. (1894). On some Foraminifera from the microzoic deposits of Trinidad, West Indies. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. [1894] (4): 647-653..
146471: Hadley, W. H. (1934). Some Tertiary Foraminifera from the north coast of Cuba. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 20 (70A): 1-40 [105-145]..
146472: Hadley, W. H. (1935). Seven new species of Foraminifera from the Tertiary of the Gulf Coast. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 22(74): 187-197..
146475: Häusler (Haeusler), R. (1890). Monographie der Foraminiferen-Fauna der schweizerischen Transversarius-Zone. Abhandlungen der Schweizerischen paläontologischen Gesellschaft. 17: 1-134..
146478: Harpe, P. de la. (1878). Note sur les Nummulites des Alpes occidentales. Actes de la Société Helvétique de Sciences Naturelles. 60: 227-232..
146482: Harpe P., de la. (1883). Étude des Nummulites de la Suisse et révision des espèces éocènes des genres Nummulites & Assilina. Troisième et dernière partie. (Posthume). Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse / Abhandlungen der schweizerischen paläontologischen Gesellschaft. 10: 141-180 + pls..
146484: Harting, P. (1864). Bijdrage tot de kennis der mikroskopische fauna en flora van de Banda-Zee. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. 10: 1-34..
146487: Heilprin, A. (1885). Notes on some new Foraminifera from the nummulitic formation of Florida. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 36: 321-322..
146499: Heron-Allen, E.; Earland, A. (1909). On a new species of Technitella from the North Sea, with some observations upon selective power as exercised by certain species of arenaceous Foraminifera. Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club. 2(10): 403-412..
146500: Heron-Allen, E.; Earland, A. (1909). On the recent and fossil Foraminifera of the shore-sands of Selsey Bill, Sussex - II. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 306-336..
146502: Heron-Allen, E.; Earland, A. (1909). On the recent and fossil Foraminifera of the shore-sands of Selsey Bill Sussex - IV. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 677-698.
146503: Heron-Allen, E.; Earland, A. (1910). On the recent and fossil Foraminifera of the shore-sands of Selsey Bill, Sussex - V. The Cretaceous Foraminifera. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 401-426..
146506: Heron-Allen, E.; Earland, A. (1911). On the recent and fossil Foraminifera of the shore-sands of Selsey Bill, Sussex - VII. Supplement (addenda et corrigenda). Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 298-343..
146508: Heron-Allen, E.; Earland, A. (1912). On some Foraminifera from the North Sea, etc., dredged by the Fisheries Cruiser 'Goldseeker' (International North Sea Investigations - Scotland). I. On some new Astrorhizidae and their shell-structure. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 1912: 382-389..
146512: Heron-Allen, E.; Earland, A. (1914). The Foraminifera of the Kerimba Archipelago (Portuguese East Africa) -Part I. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. 20(12): 363-390..
146513: Heron-Allen, E.; Earland, A. (1915). The Foraminifera of the Kerimba Archipelago (Portuguese East Africa) -Part II. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. 20(17): 543-794..
146514: Heron-Allen, E.; Earland, A. (1916). The Foraminifera of the West of Scotland. Collected by on the cruise of the S.Y. 'Runa,' July-Sept. Being a contribution to 'Spolia Runiana'. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London (2: Zoology). 11(13): 197-299..
146515: Heron-Allen E. & Earland A. 1917. On some Foraminifera from the North Sea, etc. dredged by the Fisheries Cruiser "Goldseeker" (International North Sea Investigations - Scotland). IV. On Nouria rugosa: a new species of Foraminifera from the Faroe Channel. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society 1917: 361-364..
146522: Heron-Allen, E.; Earland, A. (1928). On the Pegididae, a new family of Foraminifera. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 283-299..
146531: Howchin, W. (1888). Additions to the Knowledge of the Carboniferous Foraminifera. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 8(4), 533-545..
146532: Howchin, W. (1889). The Foraminifera of the Older Tertiary of Australia (No. 1, Muddy Creek, Victoria). Transactions and Proceedings and Report of the Royal Society of South Australia. 12: 1-20..
146536: Howchin, W. (1891). The Foraminifera of the Older Tertiary, Muddy Creek, Victoria - addenda et corrigenda. Transactions and Proceedings and Report of the Royal Society of South Australia. 14(2): 355-356..
146539: Howchin, W. (1895). Carboniferous Foraminifera of Western Australia, with descriptions of new species. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia. 19 (2): 194-198..
146540: Howchin, W. (1895). Two new species of Cretaceous Foraminifera. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia. 19 (2): 198-198..
146551: Jennings, P. H. (1936). A microfauna from the Monmouth and Basal Rancocas Groups of New Jersey. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 23(78): 159-234..
146554: Joly, N.; Leymerie, A. (1848). Mémoire sur les Nummulites, considérées zoologiquement et géologiquement. Mémoires de l'Academie des Sciences de Toulouse. (3) 4: 149-218..
146562: Jones T.R. 1895. A monograph of the Foraminifera of the Crag. Part II. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, London, 49: i-vii, 73-210..
146568: Jones, T. R.; Chapman, F. (1900). On the Foraminifera of the Orbitoidal limestones and reef rocks of Christmas Island. In: A monograph of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) / physical features and geology by Charles W. Andrews ; with descriptions of the fauna and flora by numerous contributors. pp. 226-264..
146573: Jones T.R., Parker W.K. & Brady H.B. (1866). A monograph of the Foraminifera of the Crag. Palaeontographical Society, London. Part I. pp. vi + 1-72..
146574: Jones T.R., Parker W.K. & Kirby J.W. 1869. On the nomenclature of the Foraminifera. Part XIII. The Permian Trochammina pusilla and its allies. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (4) 4 (24): 386-392..
146576: Karrer, F. (1864). Die Foraminiferen-Fauna des tertiären Grünsandsteines der Orakei-Bay bei Auckland. Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Paläontologie von Neu-Seeland: Beiträge zur Kenntniss der fossilen Flora und Fauna der Provinzen Auckland und Nelson. Novara-Expedition, Geologischer Th.
146577: Karrer, F. (1865). Über das Auftreten der Foraminiferen in den Mergeln der marinen Uferbildungen (Leythakalk) des Wiener Beckens. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaflichen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. (1) 50[1864]: 692-721..
146592: Lalicker, C. G.; McCulloch, I. (1940). Some Textulariidae from the Pacific Ocean. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions. 6(2): 115-143..
146593: Lamarck [J.B.P.A. de]. (1804). Suite des mémoires sur les fossiles des environs de Paris. Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. 5: 28-36; 91-98; 179-188; 237-245; 349-367; pl. 59-62 [plates published 1806 in vol. 8]..
146595: Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de. (1804). Suite des mémoires sur les fossiles des environs de Paris. Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. 5: 349-357, pl. (15)17 [publ. 1807 in vol. 9]. Paris..
146599: Le Calvez, J. (1935). Sur quelques Foraminifères de Villefranche et de Banyuls. Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale. Notes et Revue 77 (2) [Protistologica 55]: 79-98..
146610: Liebus, A. (1911). Die Foraminiferenfauna der mitteleocänen Mergel von Norddalmatien. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaflichen Klasse der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 120(part.1) (1-10): 865-956..
146620: Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1955). Revision of some recent foraminiferal genera. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 128(5): 1-37..
146633: Malagoli, M. (1888). Descrizione di alcuni foraminiferi nuovi del Tortoniano di Montegibio (Modenese). Atti della Società dei Naturalisti di Modena. (3) 7: 1-6..
146637: Mariani, E. (1887). Foraminiferi pliocenici di Tronconero presso Casteggio. Rendiconti del Reale Istituto Lombardo. (2) 20 (13): 1-4..
146644: Michelotti, G. (1841). Saggio storico dei Rizopodi caratteristici dei terreni sopracretacei. Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica della Società Italiana delle Scienze residente in Modena. 22 (Fisica): 253-302..
146649: Millett, F. W. (1898). Report on the Recent Foraminifera of the Malay Archipelago collected by Mr. A. Durrand, F.R.M.S. [Part I.]. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 1898: 258-269..
146651: Millett, F. W. (1898). XV.-Report on the Recent Foraminifera of the Malay Archipelago collected by Mr. A. Durrand, F.R.M.S. -Part III. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 18(6): 607-614..
146652: Millett, F. W. (1899). Report on the Recent Foraminifera of the Malay Archipelago collected by Mr. A. Durrand, F.R.M.S.-Part IV. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 19(3): 249-255..
146653: Millett, F. W. (1899). Report on the Recent Foraminifera of the Malay Archipelago collected by Mr. A. Durrand, F.R.M.S.-Part V. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 19(4): 357-365.
146655: Millett, F. W. (1900). Report on the Recent Foraminifera of the Malay Archipelago. Part VII. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 6-13..
146657: Millett, F. W. (1900). Report on the Recent Foraminifera of the Malay Archipelago. Part IX. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 539-549..
146658: Millett, F. W. (1901). Report on the Recent Foraminifera of the Malay Archipelago. Part X. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 1-11..
146661: Millett, F. W. (1902). Report on the Recent Foraminifera of the Malay Archipelago collected by Mr. A. Durrand, F.R.M.S.-Part XIII. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 22(5): 509-528..
146662: Millett, F. W. (1903). Report on the Recent Foraminifera of the Malay Archipelago. Part XIV. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 235-275..
146665: Millett, F. W. (1904). Report on the Recent Foraminifera of the Malay Archipelago. Part XVII. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 597-609..
146676: Neugeboren, J. L. (1850). Foraminiferen von Fels? Lapugy unweit Dobra im Carlsburger District ehemals Hunyader Comitat. Erster Artikel. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des siebenbürgischen Vereins für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt. 1 (1): 45-48..
146677: Neugeboren, J. L. (1850). Foraminiferen von Fels? Lapugy unweit Dobra im Carlsburger District ehemals Hunyader Comitat. Erster Artikel. (Fortsetzung.). Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des siebenbürgischen Vereins für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt. 1 (4): 50-53..
146678: Neugeboren, J. L. (1850). Foraminiferen von Fels?-Lapugy, beschrieben und nach der Natur gezeichnet. Zweiter Artikel. Geschlecht Frondicularia Defrance; Amphimorphina, ein neues Foraminiferen-Geschlecht. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des siebenbürgischen Vereins für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt. 1 (8): 118-127..
146681: Neugeboren, J. L. (1851). Foraminiferen von Ober-Lapugy beschrieben und nach der Natur gezeichnet. Dritter Artikel. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des siebenbürgischen Vereins für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt. 2 (7): 118-123..
146682: Neugeboren, J. L. (1851). Foraminiferen von Ober-Lapugy. Dritter Artikel. (Fortsetzung.). Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des siebenbürgischen Vereins für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt. 2 (8): 124-135..
146683: Neugeboren, J. L. (1851). Foraminiferen von Ober-Lapugy. Dritter Artikel. (Fortsetzung.). Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des siebenbürgischen Vereins für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt. 2 (9): 140-145..
146684: Neugeboren, J. L. (1852). Foraminiferen von Ober-Lapugy beschrieben und nach der Natur gezeichnet. Vierter Artikel. Geschlecht Nodosaria Lamark (Nautilus Lin.; Nodosaria et Orthocera Lamark, Reophagos Montfort, Mucronina d'Orbigny). Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des siebenbürgischen Vereins für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt. 3 (3): 34-42..
146685: Neugeboren, J. L. (1852). Foraminiferen von Ober-Lapugy beschrieben und nach der Natur gezeichnet. Vierter Artikel. (Schluss.). Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des siebenbürgischen Vereins für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt. 3 (4): 50-59..
146690: Newton, R. B.; Holland, R. (1902). On some fossils from the islands of Formosa and Riu-Kiu (=Loo Choo). Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan. 17(6): 161-216..
146694: Nicolucci, G. (1846). Politalami fossili della Italia meridionale. Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Naturali. (2) 6 (Settembre): 161-216..
146699: Nuttall, W. L. F.; Brighton, A. G. (1931). Larger Foraminifera from the Tertiary of Somaliland. Geological Magazine. 68(2): 49-65..
146701: Orbigny, A. D. d'. (1826). Tableau méthodique de la classe des Céphalopodes. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. vol. 7: 96-169, 245-314..
146704: Osimo, G. (1908). Di alcuni Foraminiferi dell'Eocene superiore di Celebes. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia. 14 (1/2): 28-54..
146706: Owen, S. R. I. (1868). On the surface-fauna of mid-ocean. No. 2. -Foraminifera. Journal of the Linnean Society (Zoology). 9 (35): 147-157..
146708: Palmer, D. K. (1936). New genera and species of Cuban Oligocene foraminifera. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural Felipe Poey. 10 (2): 123-128..
146716: Parker, W. K.; Jones, T. R. (1860). [On the nomenclature of the Foraminifera. Part IV. The species enumerated by Lamarck.] [Continued.]. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. (3) 6 (31): 29-40..
146720: Parker, W. K.; Jones, T. R. (1863). On the nomenclature of the Foraminifera. Part VIII. Textularia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. (3) 11 (61): 91-98..
146728: Parker W. K., Jones T. R. & Brady H. B. (1865). On the nomenclature of the Foraminifera. Part X. (continued). The species enumerated by D'Orbigny in the 'Annales des Sciences Naturelles,' 1826, vol. vii. - III. The species illustrated by models. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. (3) 16 (91): 15-41..
146734: Pearcey, F. G. (1890). Notes on the Foraminifera of the Faroe Channel and Wyville Thomson Ridge, with a description of a new species of Hyperammina. Proceedings and Transactions of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. 2[1886/1888]: 163-179..
146736: Pearcey F.G. 1908. On the genus Botellina (Carpenter), with a description of a new species. In: Marine investigations in South Africa, Volume V. Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society 17: 185-194..
146738: Perner, J. (1892). Foraminifery ?eského cenomanu. [Über die Foraminiferen des böhmischen Cenomans.]. ?eská Akademie Císa?e Frantiska Josefa, Pro V?dy, Slovesnost a Um?ní v Praze 2 (Palaeontographica Bohemiae). 1: 1-65..
146743: Prever, P. L. (1902). Le Nummuliti della Forca di Presta nell'Appennino centrale e dei dintorni di Potenza nell'Appennino meridionale. Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse / Abhandlungen der schweizerischen paläontologischen Gesellschaft. 29 (3): 1-121..
146745: Prever, P. L. (1904). Osservazioni sulla sottofamiglia delle Orbitoidinae. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia. 10(4): 111-127..
146746: Prever, P. L. (1905). Sulla fauna nummulitica della Scaglia nell'Appennino centrale. Atti Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. 40[1904/1905] (10): 566-578..
146753: Reuss, A. E. (1845). Die Versteinerungen der böhmischen Kreideformation. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung und Druckerei, Stuttgart. 1: 1-58..
146754: Reuss, A. E. (1851). Ueber die fossilen Foraminiferen und Entomostraceen der Septarienthone der Umgegend von Berlin. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. 3 (1): 49-92..
146755: Reuss, A. E. (1851). Ein Beitrag zur Paläontologie der Tertiärschichten Oberschlesiens. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. 3 (2): 149-184..
146759: Reuss, A. E. (1860). Die Foraminiferen der westphälischen Kreideformation. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaflichen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 40 (8): 147-238..
146760: Reuss, A. E. (1861). Beiträge zur Kenntniss der tertiären Foraminiferen-Fauna. I. Die Foraminiferen des Crag's von Antwerpen. II. Die Foraminiferen von Dingden in Westphalen. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. 42 (24): 355-370..
146761: Reuss, A. E. (1863). Les Foraminifères du crag d'Anvers. Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, Bulletins des séances de la classe des sciences, série 2. 15: 137-162..
146762: Reuss, A. E. (1863). Die Foraminiferen des norddeutschen Hils und Gaults. Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Wien. 46 [1862] (1): 5-100 + pls..
146763: Reuss, A. E. (1863). Beiträge zur Kenntniss der tertiären Foraminiferen-Fauna. (Zweite Folge). III. Die Foraminiferen des Septarienthones von Offenbach. IV. Die Foraminiferen des Septarienthones von Kreuznach. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaflichen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 48 (1): 36-71..
146765: Reuss, A. E. (1865). Zur Fauna des deutschen Oberoligocäns. Erste Abtheilung. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaflichen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 50 (1) [1864]: 435-482..
146767: Reuss, A. E. (1866). Die Foraminiferen und Ostracoden der Kreide am Kanara-See bei Küstendsche. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaflichen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 52 (1): 445-470..
146769: Reuss, A. E. (1869). Zur fossilen Fauna der Oligocänschichten von Gaas. Sitzungsberichte der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abt.1. 59 (3): 446-488..
146770: Reuss, A. E. (1870). Die Foraminiferen des Septarienthones von Pietzpuhl. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaflichen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 62 (9): 455-493..
146777: Rhumbler, L. (1906). Die Foraminiferen von Laysan und den Chatham-Inseln. Zoologische Jahrbücher. 24(1): 21-80..
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146788: Rutten, L. M. R. (1911). On Orbitoides in the neighboorhood of the Balik Papan Bay, East-coast of Borneo. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. 13(2): 1122-1139..
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146795: Rzehak, A. (1891). Die Foraminiferen der alttertiären Ablagerungen von Bruderndorf in Niederösterreich, mit Berücksichtigung des angeblichen Kreidevorkommens von Leitzersdorf. Annalen des K.K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. 6: 1-12..
146796: Rzehak, A. (1895). Über einige merkwürdige Foraminiferen aus dem österreichischen Tertiär. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. 10 (2): 213-230..
146798: Sacco, F. (1893). Le genre Bathysiphon à l'état fossile. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France. (3) 21 (3): 165-169..
146803: Schacko, G. (1892). Foraminiferen und Ostracoden aus Kreide von Moltzow. Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg. 45: 155-160..
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146820: Schlumberger, C. (1882). Note sur les Foraminifères: La coquille. La Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes. 12 (135): 25-29..
146825: Schlumberger, C. (1883). Note sur quelques Foraminifères nouveaux ou peu connus du Golfe de Gascogne. Campagne du Travailleur, 1880. La Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes. 13 (153): 105-108..
146826: Schlumberger, C. (1883). Note sur quelques Foraminifères nouveaux ou peu connus du Golfe de Gascogne. Campagne du Travailleur, 1880 (suite et fin). La Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes. 13 (154): 117-120..
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146890: Sidebottom, H. (1906). Report on the Recent Foraminifera from the coast of the Island of Delos (Grecian Archipelago). Part III. Memoirs and. Proceedings of the Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society (Manchester Memoirs. 50(5): 1-18..
146891: Sidebottom, H. (1908). Report on the Recent Foraminifera from the coast of the Island of Delos (Grecian Archipelago). Part V. Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society (Manchester Memoirs). 52(13): 1-29..
146892: Sidebottom, H. (1909). Report on the Recent Foraminifera from the coast of the Island of Delos (Grecian Archipelago). Part VI. (Conclusion.). Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society (Manchester Memoirs. 53(21): 1-33..
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146894: Sidebottom, H. (1910). Two new species of Cassidulina. Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club. 2(11): 105-108..
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146898: Sidebottom, H. S. (1918). Report on the Recent Foraminifera dredged off the east coast of Australia. H.M.S. "Dart", Station 19 (14 May, 1895), Lat 29° 22' 153° 51' E., 465 fathoms. Pteropod ooze - continued. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 121-152..
146899: Sidebottom, H. (1918). Report on the Recent Foraminifera dredged off the east coast of Australia. H.M.S. "Dart", Station 19 (14 May, 1895), Lat. 29° 22', Long. 153° 51' E., 465 fathoms. Pteropod ooze - concluded. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 1918: 249-264..
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146931: Terquem, O. (1874). Deuxième série - Quatrième mémoire sur les Foraminiferes du Système Oolithique, comprenant les genres Polymorphina, Guttulina, Spiroloculina, Triloculina et Quinqueloculina de la zone à Ammonites parkinsoni de Fontoy (Moselle). Savy, Paris. 279-335..
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148226: Golemansky V.G. 1999. Lagynis pontica n. sp., a new monothalamous rhizopod (Granuloreticulosea: Lagynidae) from the Black Sea littoral. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 51: 3–13..
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148253: Langer, M. R. (1992). New Recent foraminiferal genera and species from the lagoon at Madang, Papua New Guinea. Journal of Micropalaeontology. 11(1): 85-93..
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148260: Nomura, R.; Takayanagi, Y. (2000). The suprageneric classification of the foraminiferal genus Murrayinella and a new species from Japan. Paleontological Research. 4(3): 171-181..
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148269: Reddy, P. P.; Rajshekhar, C. (2007). New subfamily Asipholageninae from Holocene deposits of the Gulf of Kachchh, India. The Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 37(1), 4-7..
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183079: Brönnimann, P. (1979). Recent benthonic foraminifera from Brasil. Morphology and ecology. Part IV: Trochamminids from the Campos Shelf with description of Paratrochammina. Palaontologische Zeitschrift. 53: 5-25..
183080: Brönnimann, P. (1986). Asarotammina, a new trochamminid genus from the Brazilian shelf. The Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 16(2): 89-97..
183081: Brönnimann, P.; Dias-Brito, D. (1982). New Lituolacea (Protista, Foraminiferida) from shallow waters of the Brazilian shelf. The Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 12(1): 13-23..
183083: Brönnimann, P.; Keij, A. J.; Zaninetti, L. (1983). Bruneica clypea n. gen. n. sp., a recent Remaneicid (Foraminifera: Trochamminacea) from brackish waters of Brunei, Northwest Borneo. Revue de Paléobiologie. 2: 35-41..
183087: Brönnimann, P.; Whittaker, J. E. (1980). A revision of Reophax and its type-species, with remarks on several other Recent hormosinid species (Protozoa: Foraminiferida) in the Collections of the British Museum (Natural History). Bulletin British Museum natural History (Zoology). 39: 259-272..
183088: Brönnimann, P.; Whittaker, J. E. (1983). Zaninettia n. gen., a spicular-walled remaneicid (foraminiferida, trochamminacea) from the South Atlantic Oceans with remarks on the origin of the spicules. Revue de Paléobiologie. 2: 13-33..
183093: Brönnimann, P.; Whittaker, J. E.; Valleri, G. (1992). Agglutinated foraminifera from the lagoon of Venice. Italy. Revue de Paleobiologie. 11: 97-109..
183094: Brönnimann, P.; Whittaker, J. E.; Zaninetti, L. (1992). Brackish water Foraminifera from Mangrove sediments of Southwestern Viti Levu Fiji Islands, Southwest Pacific. Revue de Paléobiologie. 11: 13-65..
183095: Brönnimann, P.; Zaninetti, L.; Whittaker, J. E. (1983). On the classification of the Trochamminacea (Foraminiferida). The Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 13(3): 202-218..
183174: Butcher, W.S. 1948. A new species of Nonion (foraminifera) from the Woods Hole region. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research 24: 21-23..
183227: Buzas, M. A.; Severin, K. P. (1982). Distribution and systematics of foraminifera in the Indian River, Florida. Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences. 16: 1-73..
183339: Cedhagen, T.; Mattson, S. (1991). Globipelorhiza sublittoralis gen et sp.n., a Komokiacean (Protozoa, Foraminiferida) from the Scandinavian sublittoral. Sarsia. 76: 209-213..
183357: Chapman, F. (1932). On a rock containing Discocyclina and Assilina found near Mount Oxford, South Island, New Zealand. Records of Canterbury (New Zealand) Museum. 3: 483-489..
183359: Chapman, F.; Parr, W. J. (1935). Foraminifera and Ostracoda from soundings made by the trawler "Bonthorpe" in the Great australian Bight. Royal Society of western Australia. 21: 1-6..
183362: Chapman, F.; Parr, W. J. (1937). Foraminifera. Australasian Antarctic expedition 1911-14. Scientific reports (C), Sydney : Gov't Print. Office. 1(2): 1-190..
183363: Chapman, F.; Parr, W. J. (1938). Australian and New Zealand species of the foraminiferal genera Operculina and Operculinella. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 50: 279-299..
183364: Chapman, F.; Parr, W. J.; Collins, A. C. (1934). Tertiary Foraminifera of Victoria, Australia.-The Balcombian Deposits of Port Phillip. Part III. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology. 38(262): 553-577..
183394: Chaster, G. W. (1892). Report upon the foraminifera of the Southport Society of Natural Science district. First report Southport Society of Natural Science (1890-1891), appendix: 54-72..
183410: Cherchi, A.; Radoicic, R.; Schroeder, R. (1991). Neobalkhania bignoti n. gen. n. sp., grand Foraminifère du Maastrichtian supérieur du Sud-est de l´Europe. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Série II. 313(2): 287-292..
183434: Christiansen, B. O. (1958). The foraminifer Fauna in the Dröbak Sound in the Oslo Fjord (Norway). Nytt Magasin for Zoologi - Norwegian Journal of Zoology. 6: 5-91..
183441: Church C. C. (1941). Descriptions of foraminifera. California Department of Natural Resources Division of Mines Bulletin. 118[1943]: 182..
183462: Cifelli, R.; Smith, R. K. (1970). Distribution of Planktonic Foraminifera in the Vicinity of the North Atlantic Current. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology. (4), 1-52..
183472: Clark, F. E. (1994). New species and a new genus of Neogene benthic foraminifera from the Southwest Pacific Ocean. The Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 24(2): 110-122..
183474: Clark, F. E. (1993). Rhaptohelenina papuanensis, a new genus and species of benthic foraminifer from the Recent of the Papuan Plateau and Alexa Bank. Journal of Paleontology. 67(5): 899-901..
183475: Clark, F. E. (1993). Two new species of benthic foraminifera from the Holocene of the Papuan Plateau. Alcheringa. 17: 377-382..
183476: Clark, F. E. (1995). New species of unilocular calcareous foraminifera from the Holocene of the southwest Pacific Ocean. Journal of Micropalaeontology. 14(1): 1-5..
183525: Cole, W. (1967). Additional data on New Zealand Asterocyclina (Foraminifera). Bulletins of American Paleontology. 52: 1-18..
183526: Cole, W.S. 1931. The Pliocene and Pleistocene foraminifera of Florida. Florida State Geological Survey bulletin 6: 7-79..
183532: Cole, W. S.; Ponton, G. M. (1930). The Foraminifera of the Marianna Limestone of Florida. Florida State Geological Survey bulletin. 5: 19-69..
183535: Collen, J. D. (1972). New Foraminifera from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Wanganui Basin, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 2(3): 373-382..
183541: Collen, J. D. (1998). Metarotalia tuvaluensis sp. nov. from Funafuti Atoll, western Pacific Ocean: relationship to miliolid foraminifera. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 28: 66-75..
183547: Collins, A. C. (1958). Foraminifera. Great Barrier Reef Expedition 1928-29 Scientific Reports. 6: 335-437..
183548: Collins, A. C. (1974). Port Phillip Survey 1957–63 Foraminiferida. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria. 35: 1-61..
183549: Collins, A. C. (1981). Holocene foraminiferida from the Fitzroy River Estuary, North West Australia. Memoirs of the National Museum Victoria. 42: 1-6..
183564: Colom, G. (1943). Nuevas especies y subspecies de foraminíferos fósiles de Mallorca. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Madrid. 41: 317-335..
183566: Colom, G. (1956). Los foraminíferos del Burdigaliense de Mallorca. Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona. vol. 32 n° 5: 7-140..
183606: Coryell, H. N.; Embich, J. R. (1937). The Tranquilla Shale (Upper Eocene) of Panama and its foraminiferal fauna. Journal of Paleontology. 11: 289-305..
183607: Coryell, H. N.; Rivero, F. C. (1940). A Miocene microfauna of Haiti. Journal of Paleontology. 14: 324-344..
183610: Costa, O.G. (1855). Foraminiferi fossili delle marne Terziarie di Messina. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze Matematiche, Scienze Naturali, e Scienze Morali. 2: 127-147, 367-373..
183751: Cushman, J.A. 1908. Foraminifera of the Woods Hole region. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 34: 21-34..
183756: Cushman, J. A. (1909). Ammodiscoides, a new genus of arenaceous Foraminifera. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 36(1676): 423-424..
183759: Cushman, J.A. 1910. New arenaceous Foraminifera from the Philippines. Proc, U. S. Nat. Mus. 38: 437-442..
183762: Cushman, J. A. (1912). New arenaceous Foraminifera from the Philippine Islands and contiguous waters. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 42: 227-230..
183764: Cushman, J. A. (1913). [Scientific results of the Philippine cruise of the Fisheries steamer Albatross, 1907-1910.—No. 25.] New Textulariidae and other arenaceous Foraminifera from the Philippine Islands and contiguous waters. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 44(1973): 633-638..
183767: Cushman, J. A. (1917). New species and varieties of foraminifera from the Philippines and adjacent waters. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 51: 651-662..
183768: Cushman, J.A. (1917). Orbitoid Foraminifera of the genus Orthophragmina from Georgia and Florida. U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper. 108-G: 115-124..
183770: Cushman, J. A. (1918). The larger fossil Foraminifera of the Panama Canal Zone. Bulletin - United States National Museum. 103: 89-102..
183771: Cushman, J. A. (1918). The smaller fossil Foraminifera of the Panama Canal Zone. Bulletin - United States National Museum. 103: 45-87..
183772: Cushman, J. A. (1918). Some Pliocene and Miocene Foraminifera of the Coastal Plain of the United States. U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin. 676: 1-100..
183775: Cushman, J. A. (1919). Recent Foraminifera from off New Zealand. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 56: 593-640..
183776: Cushman, J. (1920). The American species of Orthophragmina and Lepidocyclina. Professional Paper. 39-105..
183780: Cushman, J.A. 1921. American species of Operculina and Heterostegina and their faunal relations. U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 128-E: 125-137..
183781: Cushman, J.A. (1921). Foraminifera from the north coast of Jamaica. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 59: 47-82..
183785: Cushman, J.A. 1922. Foraminifera from the Eocene deposits of Peru. In: Bosworth (Editor), Geology & Paleontology of Peru, pp 136-139, London..
183786: Cushman, J. A. (1922). Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean. Part III - Textulariidae. United States National Museum Bulletin. 104: 1-149..
183788: Cushman, J. A. (1923). The Foraminifera of the Vicksburg Group. United States Geological Survey Professional Papers. 133: 11-71..
183789: Cushman, J. A. (1925). A new genus of Eocene Foraminifera. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 66[1926](30): 1-4..
183790: Cushman, J. A. (1924). Samoan foraminifera. Publications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Marine Biology. 21(342): 1-75..
183794: Cushman, J.A. 1925. Eocene Foraininifera from the Cocoa Sand of Alabama. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 1: 65-70..
183798: Cushman, J.A. 1925. Mexican species of Marginulina. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 1: 61, 62..
183800: Cushman, J. A. (1925). New Foraminifera from the Upper Eocene of Mexico. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 1: 4-9..
183801: Cushman, J.A. 1925. New species of Cassidulina from the Pacific. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 1: 36-38..
183803: Cushman, J.A. 1925. Notes on the genus Cassidulina. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 1: 51-60..
183805: Cushman, J.A. (1925). Recent Foraminifera from British Columbia. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 1: 38-47..
183807: Cushman, J. A. (1925). Some new Foraminifera from the Velasco Shale of Mexico. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 1: 18-23..
183808: Cushman, J.A. 1925. Some Textulariidae from the Miocene of California. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 1: 29-35..
183809: Cushman, J. A. (1925). Three new species of Siphogenerina from the Miocene of California. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 1: 2-3..
183810: Cushman, J. A. (1926). Eouvigerina, a new genus from the Cretaceous. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 2(1): 3-6..
183812: Cushman, J.A. 1926. Foraminifera of the typical Monterey of California. Contribution from the Cushman Laboratory for foraminiferal Research 2: 53-69..
183813: Cushman, J. A. (1926). The foraminifera of the Velasco Shale of the Tampico Embayment. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. 10: 581-612..
183816: Cushman, J. A. (1926). The Genus Chilostomella and Related Genera. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 1(4): 73-80..
183817: Cushman, J.A. 1926. The Genus Lamarckina and its American species. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 2: 7-14..
183818: Cushman, J.A. 1926. Miocene species of Nonionina from California. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 1: 89-92..
183823: Cushman, J.A. 1926. Some Foraminifera from the Mendez Shale of eastern Mexico. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 2: 16-26..
183824: Cushman, J.A. 1926. Some fossil Bolivinas from Mexico. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 1: 81-85..
183825: Cushman, J.A. 1926. Some new Foraminifera from the Upper Eocene of the southeastern coastal plain of the United States. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 2: 29-38..
183827: Cushman, J. A. (1926). Some Pliocene Bolivinas from California. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 2(2): 40-47..
183831: Cushman, J. A. (1927). American Upper Cretaceous species of Bolivina and related species. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 2(4): 85-91..
183835: Cushman, J.A. 1927. Foraminifera of the genus Ehrenbergina and its species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 70: 1-8..
183836: Cushman, J. A. (1927). Foraminifera of the genus Siphonina and related genera. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 72(2716): 1-15..
183838: Cushman, J. A. (1927). New and interesting Foraminifera from Mexico and Texas. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 3(2): 111-119..
183842: Cushman, J. A. (1927). An outline of a reclassification of the foraminifera. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 3(1): 1-105..
183845: Cushman, J. A. (1927). Recent Foraminifera from off the west coast of America. Bulletin of Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Technical series. 1: 119-188..
183846: Cushman, J. A. (1927). Some characteristic Mexican fossil Foraminifera. Journal of Paleontology. 1: 147-172..
183847: Cushman, J. A. (1927). Some Foraminifera from the Cretaceous of Canada. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. 3rd set. 21: 127-132..
183854: Cushman, J.A. 1928. Additional Foraminifera from the Upper Eocene of Alabama. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 4: 73-79..
183857: Cushman, J. A. (1928). A Cretaceous Cyclammina from California. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 4: 70..
183859: Cushman, J. A. (1928). Foraminifères du Stampien du Bassin de Paris. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences de Seine-et-Oise. ser. 2. 9: 47-62..
183862: Cushman, J.A. 1928. A peculiar Clavulina from the Upper Cretaceous of Texas. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 4: 61, 62..
183867: Cushman, J.A. 1929. A fossil member of the family Pegididae. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 19: 125-127..
183868: Cushman, J.A. 1929. The genus Bolivinella and its species. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 5: 28-34..
183869: Cushman, J.A. 1929. The genus Trimosina and its relationship to other genera of the Foraminifera. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 19: 155-159..
183871: Cushman, J.A. 1929. A Late Tertiary fauna of Venezuela and other related regions. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 5: 77-101..
183872: Cushman, J.A. 1929. Notes on the Foraminifera of the Byram Marl. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 5(2): 40-48..
183875: Cushman, J.A. 1929. Pliocene Lagenas from California. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res 5: 67-72..
183876: Cushman, J.A. 1929. Some species of Siphogenerinoides from the Cretaceous of Venezuela. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 5: 55-59..
183879: Cushman, J.A. (1930). The Foraminifera of the Choctawhatchee Formation of Florida. Florida State Geological Survey, Bulletin. 4: 1-89..
183883: Cushman, J. A. (1930). Notes on Upper Cretaceous species of Vaginulina, Flabellina, and Frondicularia from Texas and Arkansas. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 6(2): 25-38..
183889: Cushman, J. A. (1931). The Foraminifera of the Saratoga Chalk. Journal of Paleontology. 5(4): 297-315..
183893: Cushman, J. A. (1931). New late Tertiary foraminifera from Viti Levu, Fiji. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 7(2): 23-32..
183896: Cushman, J. A. (1931). A preliminary report on the Foraminifera of Tennessee. Tennessee. Division of Geology. Bulletin. 41: 1-113..
183898: Cushman, J. A. (1931). Three new Upper Eocene Foraminifera. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 7(3): 58-59..
183899: Cushman, J. A. (1931). Two new foraminiferal genera from the South Pacific. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 7(4): 78-82..
183901: Cushman, J. A. (1932). The genus Vulvulina and its species. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 8(4): 75-85..
183902: Cushman, J. A. (1932). Notes on the genus Virgulina. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 8(1): 7-23..
183903: Cushman, J. A. (1932). Rectogümbelina, a new genus from the Cretaceous. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 8(1): 4-7..
183904: Cushman, J. A. (1932). The relationships of Textulariella and description of a new species. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 8(4): 97-98..
183905: Cushman, J. A. (1932). Some recent Angulogerinas from the eastern Pacific. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 8(2): 44-48..
183906: Cushman, J. A. (1932). Textularia and related forms from the Cretaceous. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 8(4): 86-97..
183907: Cushman, J. A. (1932). Two new Navarro Foraminifera from Texas. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 8(4): 98-99..
183908: Cushman, J.A. 1933. Foraminifera, their classification and economic use. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Special Publ. No. 4: 1-349..
183910: Cushman, J. A. (1933). New American Cretaceous Foraminifera. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 9(3): 49-64..
183911: Cushman, J. A. (1933). New Arctic Foraminifera collected by Capt R. A. Bartlett from Fox Basin and off the northeast coast of Greenland. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 89 (9): 1-8..
183913: Cushman, J. A. (1926). The foraminifera of the Velasco Shale of the Tampico Embayment. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. 10: 581-612..
183916: Cushman, J. A. (1933). Some new foraminiferal genera. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 9(2): 32-38..
183917: Cushman, J. A. (1933). Some new Recent Foraminifera from the tropical Pacific. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 9(4): 77-95..
183922: Cushman, J. A. (1934). Notes on the genus Tretomphalus, with descriptions of some new species and a new genus, Pyropilus. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 10(4): 79-101..
183924: Cushman, J. A. (1934). The relationships of Ungulatella, with descriptions of additional species. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 10(4): 101-104..
183925: Cushman, J.A. 1934. Smaller foraminifera from Vitilevu, Fiji. Bernice P. Bishop Museum - Bulletin 119: 102-142..
183926: Cushman, J. A. (1935). Bitubulogenerina howei, a new species from the Lower Oligocene. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 11(1): 20-21..
183927: Cushman, J. A. (1935). Fourteen new species of Foraminifera. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 91(21)[1947]: 1-9..
183928: Cushman, J. A. (1935). New species of Foraminifera from the Lower Oligocene of Mississippi. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 11(2): 25-39..
183931: Cushman, J. A. (1935). Some new Foraminifera from the Tertiary of Georges bank. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 11(4): 77-83..
183932: Cushman, J. A. (1935). Upper Eocene Foraminifera of the southeastern United States. U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper. 181: 1-88..
183935: Cushman, J. A. (1936). New genera and species of the families Verneuilinidae and Valvulinidae and of the subfamily Virgulininae. Special Publ. No. 6, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 1-71..
183936: Cushman, J. A. (1936). Notes on some American Cretaceous Frondicularias. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 12(1): 11-22..
183937: Cushman, J. A. (1936). Cretaceous Foraminifera of the family Chilostomellidae. Contribution to Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 12(4): 71-78..
183938: Cushman, J. A. (1936). Some new species of Elphidium and related genera. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 12(4): 78-89..
183939: Cushman, J. A. (1936). Some new species of Nonion. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 12(3): 63-69..
183940: Cushman, J. A. (1937). A few new species of American Cretaceous Foraminifera. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 13(4): 100-105..
183941: Cushman, J.A. 1937. A monograph of the foraminiferal family Valvulinidae. Special Publ. No. 8, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res.: 1-210..
183943: Cushman, J. A. (1937). A monograph of the subfamily Virgulininae of the foraminiferal family Buliminidae. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Special Publication. 9: 1-228..
183944: Cushman, J. A. (1937). Some notes on Cretaceous species of Marginulina. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 13(4): 91-99..
183945: Cushman, J. A. (1938). Additional new species of American Cretaceous Foraminifera. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 14(2): 31-50..
183946: Cushman, J. A. (1938). Cretaceous species of Gümbelina and related genera. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 14(1): 2-28..
183949: Cushman, J. A. (1938). Some new names in the Foraminifera. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 14(1): 28-29..
183950: Cushman, J. A. (1938). Some new species of rotaliform Foraminifera from the American Cretaceous. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 14(3): 66-71..
183951: Cushman, J. A. (1939). Eocene foraminifera from submarine cores off the eastern coast of North America. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 15(3): 49-76..
183952: Cushman, J. A. (1939). A monograph of the foraminiferal Family Nonionidae. United States Geological Survey Professional Papers. 191: 1-123..
183953: Cushman, J. A. (1939). New American Cretaceous Foraminifera. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 15(4): 89-93..
183956: Cushman, J.A. 1939. Rupertia (?) adamsi, a new species from the Pliocene of California. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 15: 21-23..
183960: Cushman, J. A. (1940). Midway Foraminifera from Alabama. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 16(3): 51-73..
183964: Cushman, J. A. (1941). Some fossil Foraminifera from Alaska. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 17(2): 33-38..
183967: Cushman, J. A. (1942). The Foraminifera of the Tropical Pacific Collections of the "Albatross," 1899-1900. Part 3. Heterohelicidae and Buliminidae. Bulletin - United States National Museum. 161(3): 1-67..
183968: Cushman, J.A. 1942. A new Cribrogenerina from the Permian of Texas. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 18: 67-69..
183970: Cushman, J.A. 1943. Gaudryina canadensis, new name. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 19: 27, 28..
183974: Cushman, J. A. (1943). Some new Foraminifera from the Tertiary of the Island of St. Croix. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 19(4): 90-93..
183975: Cushman, J.A. 1943. Tretomphalus myersi, a new species from the Pacific. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 19: 26, 27..
183977: Cushman, J. A. (1944). Foraminifera from the Aquia Formation of Virginia. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 20(1): 17-28..
183978: Cushman, J. A. (1944). Foraminifera from the shallow water of the New England coast. Special Publ. No. 12, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 1-37..
183979: Cushman, J. A. (1944). Foraminifera of the lower part of the Mooreville Chalk of the Selma Group of Mississippi. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 20(4): 83-96..
183982: Cushman, J. A. (1944). The genus Articulina and its species. Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research special publication. 10: 1-21..
183985: Cushman, J. A. (1944). A Paleocene foraminiferal fauna from the Coal Bluff Marl Member of the Naheola Formation of Alabama. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 20(2): 29-50..
183986: Cushman, J. A. (1944). Poroarticulina, a new genus of Foraminifera. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 20(2): 52..
183987: Cushman, J. A. (1944). Virgulina naheolensis, new name. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 20(3): 78..
183989: Cushman, J. A. (1945). A foraminiferal fauna from the Twiggs Clay of Georgia. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 21(1): 1-11..
183993: Cushman, J. A. (1945). The species of the Subfamily Reussellinae of the foraminiferal family Buliminidae. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 21(2): 23-54..
183995: Cushman, J. A. (1946). The genus Hauerina and its species. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 22(1): 2-15..
183996: Cushman, J. A. (1946). The genus Sigmoilina and its species. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 22(2): 29-45..
183998: Cushman, J. A. (1946). A rich foraminiferal fauna from the Cocoa Sand of Alabama. Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research special publication. 16: 1-40..
183999: Cushman, J.A. 1946. Sigmoilina victoriensis Cushman, a new name. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 22: 103..
184007: Cushman, J.A. 1947. A forarniniferal fauna from the Santa Anita Formation of Venezuela. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 23: 1-18..
184008: Cushman, J.A. 1947. Lingulina naheolensis Cushman, a new name. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 23: 18, 19..
184009: Cushman, J.A. (1947). New species and varieties of Foraminifera from off the southeastern coast of the United States. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 23: 86-92..
184010: Cushman, J.A. 1947. Some new Foraminifera from the Paleocene of the southern United States. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 23: 81-86..
184011: Cushman, J.A. 1947. A supplement to the monograph of the foraminiferal family Valvulinidae. Special Publ. No. 8A, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res.: 1-69..
184012: Cushman, J.A. 1947. Two new species of Foraminifera from the Arkadelphia Mart of Arkansas. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 23: 56, 57..
184013: Cushman, J.A. 1948. Additional new Foraminifera from the American Paleocene. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 24: 43-45..
184014: Cushman, J.A. 1948. Arctic Foraminifera. Special Publ. No. 23, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res.: 1-79..
184016: Cushman, J.A. 1948. Foraminifera from the Hammond Well (in Cretaceous and Tertiary subsurface geology, The stratigraphy, paleontology, and sedimentology of three deep test wells on the eastern shore of Maryland). Bull. 2, Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines and Water Resources: 213-267..
184025: Cushman, J. A.; Adams, B. C. (1935). New Late Tertiary Bolivinas from California. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 11(1): 16-20..
184028: J. A. Cushman, E. R. Applin. (1926). Texas Jackson Foraminifera. AAPG Bulletin. 10 (2): 154–189..
184030: Cushman, J.A.; Applin, E.R. 1945. A new Pseudoclavulina from the Upper Cretaceous of Alabama. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 21: 74..
184031: Cushman, J.A.; Applin, E.R. 1946. Some Foraminifera of Woodbine age from Texas, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 22: 71-76..
184032: Cushman, J. A.; Applin, E. R. (1947). Some new Foraminifera from the American Cretaceous. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 23(3): 53-55..
184033: Cushman, J.A.; Applin, E.R. 1947. Two new species of Lower Cretaceous Foraininifera from Florida. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 23: 29, 30..
184034: Cushman, J. A.; Barbat, W. F. (1932). Notes on some arenaceous Foraminifera from the Temblor Formation of California. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 8(2): 29-40..
184035: Cushman, J. A.; Barksdale, J. D. (1930). Eocene Foraminifera from Martinez, California. Contributions from the Department of Geology of Stanford University. 1(2): 53-73..
184036: Cushman, J. A.; Bermúdez, P. J. (1936). Additional new species of Foraminifera and a new genus from the Eocene of Cuba. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 12(3): 55-63..
184037: Cushman, J. A.; Bermúdez, P. J. (1936). The foraminiferal genus Amphimorphiva in the Eocene of Cuba. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 12(1): 1-3..
184038: Cushman, J. A.; Bermúdez, P. J. (1936). New genera and species of Foraminifera from the Eocene of Cuba. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 12(2): 27-38..
184039: Cushman, J. A.; Bermúdez, P. J. (1937). Additional new species of Eocene Foraminifera from Cuba. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 13(4): 106-110..
184040: Cushman, J. A.; Bermúdez, P. J. (1937). Further new species of foraminifera from the Eocene of Cuba. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 13(1): 1-29..
184041: Cushman, J. A.; Bermúdez, P. J. (1941). Cuneolinella, a new genus from the Miocene. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 17(4): 101-102..
184043: Cushman, J.A.; Bermúdez, P.J. 1946. A new genus, Cribropyrgo, and a new species of Rotalia. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 22: 119, 120..
184044: Cushman, J. A.; Bermúdez, P. J. (1947). Some Cuban Foraminifera of the genus Rotalia. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 23(2): 23-29..
184045: Cushman, J.A.; Bermúdez, P.J. 1948. Additional species of Paleocene Foraminifera from the Madruga Formation of Cuba. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 24(4): 85-89..
184046: Cushman, J.A.; Bermúdez, P.J. 1948. Colomia, a new genus from the Upper Cretaceous of Cuba. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 24: 12, 13..
184047: Cushman, J.A.; Bermúdez, P.J. 1948. The genus Coleites and its species. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 24(4): 81-84..
184048: Cushman, J. A.; Bermúdez , P. J. (1948). Some Paleocene Foraminifera from the Madruga Formation of Cuba. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 24: 68-75..
184051: Cushman, J. A.; Brönnimann, P. (1948). Additional new species of arenaceous Foraminifera from shallow waters of Trinidad. Contribution to Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 24(2): 37-42..
184053: Cushman, J. A.; Cahill, E. D. (1933). Miocene Foraminifera of the coastal plain of the eastern United States. United States Geological Survey Professional Papers. 175-A: 1-50..
184055: Cushman, J. A.; Campbell, A. S. (1935). Cretaceous Foraminifera from the Moreno Shale of California. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 11(3): 65-73..
184061: Cushman, J. A.; Ten Dam, A. (1947). Some new species of Foraminifera from the Lower Pliocene of the Netherlands. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 23(3): 57-59..
184062: Cushman, J. A.; Deaderick, W. H. (1942). Cretaceous Foraminifera from the Brownstown Marl of Arkansas. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 18(3): 50-66..
184064: Cushman, J. A.; Dorsey, A. L. (1940). The genus Stensioina and its species. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 16(1): 1-6..
184066: Cushman, J. A.; Dusenbury Jr, A. N. (1934). Eocene Foraminifera of the Poway Conglomerate of California. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 10(3): 51-65..
184067: Cushman, J. A.; Edwards, P. G. (1937). Astrononion a new genus of the foraminifera and its species. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 13(1): 29-36..
184069: Cushman, J. A.; Edwards, P. G. (1937). Notes on the early described Eocene species of Uvigerina and some new species. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 13(2): 54-61..
184070: Cushman, J. A.; Edwards, P. G. (1938). Notes on the Oligocene species of Uvigerina and Angulogerina. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 14(4): 74-89..
184072: Cushman, J. A.; Ellisor, A. C. (1931). Some new Tertiary Foraminifera from Texas. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 7(3): 51-58..
184073: Cushman, J. A.; Ellisor, A. C. (1932). Additional new Eocene Foraminifera. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 8: 40-43..
184074: Cushman, J. A.; Ellisor, A. C. (1933). Two new Texas Foraminifera. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 9(4): 95-96..
184075: Cushman, J. A.; Ellisor, A. C. (1939). New species of Foraminifera from the Oligocene and Miocene. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 15(1): 1-14..
184076: Cushman, J. A.; Ellisor, A. C. (1944). Three new species of Spiroloculina from the Middle Eocene of Texas. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 20(2): 50-52..
184077: Cushman, J. A.; Ellisor, A. C. (1945). The foraminiferal fauna of the Anahuac Formation. Journal of Paleontology. 19: 545-572..
184078: Cushman, J.A.; Frizzell, D.L. 1940. Two new species of Foraminifera from the Oligocene, Lincoln Formation, of Washington. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 16: 42, 43..
184080: Cushman, J. A.; Galliher, E. W. (1934). Additional new Foraminifera from the Miocene of California. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 10(1): 24-26..
184081: Cushman, J. A.; Garrett Jr, J. B. (1938). Three new rotaliform Foraminifera from the Lower Oligocene and Upper Eocene of Alabama. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 14(3): 62-66..
184084: Cushman, J. A.; Garrett Jr, J. B. (1934). New species of Triloculina from the Claiborne of Louisiana. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 10(3): 65-70..
184085: Cushman, J. A.; G?a?ewski, K. (1949). Upper Jurassic Foraminifera from the Nizniow Limestone of Podole, Poland. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 25(1): 1-11..
184087: Cushman, J. A.; Goudkoff, P. P. (1944). Some Foraminifera from the Upper Cretaceous of California. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 20(3): 53-64..
184088: Cushman, J. A.; Gray, H. B. (1946). A foraminiferal fauna from the Pliocene of Timms Point, California. Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication. 19: 1-46..
184089: Cushman, J. A.; Gray, H. B. (1946). Some new species and varieties of Foraminifera from the Pliocene of Timms Point, California. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 22(2): 65-69..
184090: Cushman, J. A.; Hanzawa, S. (1936). New genera and species of Foraminifera of the Late Tertiary of the Pacific. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 12(2): 45-48..
184091: Cushman, J. A.; Hanzawa, S. (1937). Notes on some of the species referred to Vertebralina and Articulina, and a new genus Nodobaculariella. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 13(2): 41-46..
184094: Cushman, J.A.; Harris, R.W. (1927). Some notes on the genus Ceratobulimina. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 3: 171-179..
184095: Cushman, J. A.; Hedberg, H. D. (1930). Notes on some Foraminifera from Venezuela. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 6(3): 64-69..
184096: Cushman, J. A.; Hedberg, H. D. (1935). A new genus of Foraminifera from the Miocene of Venezuela. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 11(1): 13-16..
184097: Cushman, J. A.; Hedberg, H. D. (1941). Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera from Santander del Norte, Colombia, S. A. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 17(4): 79-100..
184102: Cushman, J. A.; Herrick, S. M. (1945). The Foraminifera of the type locality of the McBean Formation. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 21(3): 55-73..
184103: Cushman, J. A.; Hobson, H. D. (1935). A foraminiferal faunule from the type San Lorenzo Formation, Santa Cruz County, California. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 11(3): 53-64..
184104: Cushman, J .A.; Howe, H. V. (1927). A species of Siphoninella in the Tertiary of America. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 3(2): 120-121..
184105: Cushman, J. A.; Hughes, D. D. (1925). Some Later Tertiary Cassidulinas of California. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 1: 11-17..
184106: Cushman, J. A.; Jarvis, P. W. (1928). Cretaceous Foraminifera from Trinidad. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 4(4): 85-103..
184107: Cushman, J.A.; Jarvis, P.W. 1929. New foraminifera from Trinidad. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research 5: 6-17..
184108: Cushman, J. A.; Jarvis, P. W. (1930). Miocene foraminifera from Buff Bay, Jamaica. Journal of Paleontology. 4: 353-368..
184109: Cushman, J. A.; Jarvis, P. W. (1931). Some new Eocene Foraminifera from Jamaica. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 7: 75-78..
184110: Cushman, J. A.; Jarvis, P. W. (1934). Some interesting new uniserial foraminifera from Trinidad. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 10(3): 71-75..
184111: Cushman, J. A.; Jarvis, P. W. (1936). Three new Foraminifera from the Miocene, Bowden Marl, of Jamaica. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 12(1): 3-5..
184112: Cushman, J. A.; Kellett, B. (1929). Recent Foraminifera from the west coast of South America. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 75(2796): 1-16..
184113: Cushman, J. A.; Kleinpell, R. M. (1934). New and unrecorded Foraminifera from the California Miocene. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 10(1): 1-23..
184115: Cushman, J. A.; Laiming, B. (1931). Miocene foraminifera from Los Sauces Creek, Ventura County, California. Journal of Paleontology. 5(2): 79-120..
184117: Cushman, J. A.; LeRoy, L. W. (1938). A microfauna from the Vaqueros Formation, Lower Miocene, Simi Valley, Ventura County, California. Journal of Paleontology. 12: 117-126..
184119: Cushman, J. A.; Martin, L. T. (1935). A new genus of Foraminifera, Discorbinella, from Monterey Bay, California. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 11(4): 89-90..
184120: Cushman, J. A.; McCulloch, I. (1942). Some Virgulininae in the Collections of the Allan Hancock Foundation. Allan Hancock Pacific expeditions. 6(4): 179-230..
184121: Cushman, J.A.; McCulloch, I. 1948. The species of Bulimina and related genera in the Collections of the Allan Hancock Foundation., Allan Hancock Pacific expeditions, pp 231-294..
184123: Cushman, J.A.; McCulloch, I. 1950. Reports on the collections obtained by Allan Hancock Expeditions of Velero III off the coast of Mexico, Central America, South America and Galapagos Islands in 1932-1941, and Velero IV in 1949. Some Lagenidae in the collections of the Allan Hancock Foundation. Allan Hancock Pacific expeditions 6: 295-364..
184125: Cushman, J.; McGlamery, W. (1938). Oligocene foraminifera from Choctaw Bluff, Alabama. U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper. 189-D: 101-119..
184126: Cushman, J. A.; McGlamery, W. (1939). New species of Foraminifera from the Lower Oligocene of Alabama. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 15(3): 45-49..
184128: Cushman, J. A.; McMasters, J. H. (1936). Middle Eocene Foraminifera from the Llajas Formation, Ventura County, California. Journal of Paleontology. 10: 497-517..
184130: Cushman, J. A.; Ozawa, Y. (1928). An outline of a revision of the Polymorphinidae. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 4(1): 13-21..
184132: Cushman, J.A.; Ozawa, Y. 1929. Some species of fossil and Recent Polymorphinidae found in Japan. Japanese journal of geology and geophysics 6: 63-77..
184133: Cushman, J. A.; Ozawa, Y. (1930). A Monograph of the Foraminiferal Family Polymorphinidae, Recent; Fossil. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 77: 1-185..
184136: Cushman, J. A.; Parker, F. L. (1935). Some American Cretaceous Buliminas. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 11(4): 96-101..
184137: Cushman, J. A.; Parker, F. L. (1936). Notes on some Cretaceous species of Buliminella and Neobulimina. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 12: 5-10..
184138: Cushman, J. A.; Parker, F. L. (1936). Some American Eocene Buliminas. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 12(2): 39-45..
184139: Cushman, J. A.; Parker, F. L. (1936). Some species of Robertina. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 12(4): 92-100..
184140: Cushman, J. A.; Parker, F. L. (1937). Notes on some European Miocene species of Bulimina. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 13(2): 46-54..
184142: Cushman, J. A.; Parker, F. L. (1937). Notes on some Oligocene species of Bulimina and Buliminella. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 13(1): 36-40..
184143: Cushman, J. A.; Parker, F. L. (1938). Notes on some Pliocene and Pleistocene species of Bulimina and Buliminella. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 14(3): 53-62..
184145: Cushman, J. A.; Parker, F. L. (1938). Two new species of Robertina. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 14(4): 73-74..
184146: Cushman, J.A.; Parker, F.L. 1939. Bulimina macilenta Cushman and Parker, a new name. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 15: 93, 94..
184147: Cushman, J. A.; Parker, F. L. (1940). New species of Bulimina. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 16(2): 44-48..
184149: Cushman, J. A.; Parker, F. L. (1947). Bulimina and related foraminiferal genera. United States Geological Survey Professional Papers. 210-D: 55-176..
184150: Cushman, J. A.; Ponton, G. M. (1931). A new Plectofrondicularia from Florida. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 7(3): 60-62..
184152: Cushman, J. A.; Ponton, J. M. (1932). An Eocene foraminiferal fauna of Wilcox age from Alabama. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 8(3): 51-72..
184153: Cushman, J. A.; Ponton, G. M. (1932). The Foraminifera of the Upper, Middle, and part of the Lower Miocene of Florida. Florida State Geol. Survey. 9: 1-147..
184154: Cushman, J. A.; Ponton, G. M. (1932). Some interesting new Foraminifera from the Miocene of Florida. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 8(1): 1-4..
184155: Cushman, J. A.; Ponton, G. M. (1933). A new genus of the Foraminifera, Gunteria, from the Middle Eocene of Florida. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 9(2): 25-30..
184156: Cushman, J. A.; Renz, H. H. (1941). New Oligocene-Miocene Foraminifera from Venezuela. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 17(1): 1-27..
184157: Cushman, J. A.; Renz, H. H. (1942). Eocene, Midway, Foraminifera from Soldado Rock, Trinidad. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 18(1): 1-14..
184159: Cushman, J. A.; Renz H. H. (1946). The foraminiferal fauna of the Lizard Springs Formation of Trinidad, British West Indies. Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research special publication. 18: 1-48..
184162: Cushman, J. A.; Renz, H. H. (1948). Eocene foraminifera of the Navet and Hospital Hill formations of Trinidad, British West Indies. Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication. 24: 1-42..
184166: Cushman, J.A.; Stewart, R. E.; Stewart, K.C. 1948. Five papers on Foraminifera from the Tertiary of western Oregon.Part I-V, Dept. Geol. and Min. Industries, Bull. 36(1)[1947]: 1-110..
184170: Cushman, J. A.; Stewart, R. E.; Stewart, K. C. (1949). Quinault Pliocene Foraminifera from Western Washington. State of Oregon, Dept. Geol. and Min. Industries, Bull. 36(2): 147-163..
184172: Cushman, J. A.; Schenck, H. G. (1928). Two foraminiferal faunules from the Oregon Tertiary. University of California publications, Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences. 17: 305-324..
184173: Cushman, J. A.; Siegfus, S. S. (1935). New species of Foraminifera from the Kreyenhagen Shale of Fresno County, California. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 11(4): 90-95..
184174: Cushman, J. A.; Siegfus, S. S. (1939). Some new and interesting Foraminifera from the Kreyenhagen Shale of California. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 15(2): 23-33..
184175: Cushman, J. A.; Simonson, R. R. (1944). Foraminifera from the Tumey Formation, Fresno County, California. Journal of Paleontology. 18(2): 186-203..
184176: Cushman, J. A.; Stainbrook, M. A. (1943). Some Foraminifera from the Devonian of Iowa. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 19(4): 73-79..
184177: Cushman, J. A.; Stainforth, R. M. (1945). The foraminifera of the Cipero Marl Formation of Trinidad, British West Indies. Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication. 14: 1-75..
184178: Cushman, J. A.; Stainforth, R. M. (1946). A new species of Amphistegina from the Eocene of Ecuador. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 22: 117-119..
184179: Cushman, J.A.; Stainforth, R.M. 1947. A new genus and some new species of Foraminifera from the Upper Eocene of Ecuador. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 23: 77-80..
184180: Cushman, J. A.; Stevenson, F. V. (1948). A Miocene foraminiferal fauna from Ecuador. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 24(3): 50-68..
184181: Cushman, J.A.; Stewart, R.E. 1926. A new Plectofrondicularia from the Pliocene of California. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 2: 39..
184182: Cushman, J. A.; Stewart, R. E.; Stewart, K. C. (1930). Tertiary foraminifera from Humboldt County, California. A preliminary survey of the fauna. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History. 6(2): 41-94..
184183: Cushman, J. A.; Stone, B. (1947). An Eocene foraminiferal fauna from the Chira Shale of Peru. Special Publ. No. 20, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res. 1-27..
184185: Cushman, J.A.; Stone, B. (1949). Foraminifera from the Eocene, Chacra Formation, of Peru. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 25(3): 49-58..
184189: Cushman, J. A.; Thomas, N. L. (1930). Common Foraminifera of the East Texas Greensands. Journal of Paleontology. 4(1): 33-41..
184190: Cushman, J. A.; Todd, R. (1941). Notes on the species of Uvigerina and Angulogerina described from the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 17(3): 70-78..
184194: Cushman, J. A.; Todd, R. (1942). The Foraminifera of the type locality of the Naheola Formation. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 18(2): 23-46..
184195: Cushman, J. A.; Todd, R. (1942). The genus Cancris and its species. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 18 (4): 72-94..
184198: Cushman, J. A.; Todd, R. (1943). The genus Pullenia and its species. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 19(1): 1-23..
184200: Cushman, J. A.; Todd, R. (1944). The genera Baggina and Neocribrella and their species. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 20(4): 97-107..
184202: Cushman, J. A.; Todd, R. (1944). Species of the genera Nodophthalmidium, Nodobaculariella, and Vertebralina. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 20(3): 64-77..
184203: Cushman, J. A.; Todd, R. (1945). Foraminifera of the type locality of the Moodys Marl Member of the Jackson Formation of Mississippi. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 21(4): 79-105..
184204: Cushman, J. A.; Todd, R. (1945). A foraminiferal fauna from the Lisbon Formation of Alabama. Contributions from the Cushman laboratory for foraminiferal research. 21(1): 11-21..
184205: Cushman, J. A.; Todd, R. (1945). Miocene foraminifera from Buff Bay, Jamaica. Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication. 15: 1-73..
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259097: Fornasini, C. (1904). Illustrazione di specie orbignyane di foraminiferi istituite nel 1826. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna, Classe di Scienze Fisiche. ser. 6 t. 1..
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259516: Asano, K. (1938). On the Japanese species of Elphidium and its allied genera. The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan. vol. 45 n° 538, 581-591, pl. 14..
259517: Husezima, R.; Maruhasi, M. (1944). A new genus and thirteen new species of foraminifera from the core-sample of Kashiwazaki oil-field, Niigata-ken. Shigenkagaku Kenkyusyo, Journal. v. 1, no. 3, p. 391-400, pl. 34..
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259804: Rögl, F.; Bolli, H. (1973). Holocene to Pleistocene Planktonic Foraminifera of Leg 15, Site 147 (Cariaco Basin [Trench], Caribbean Sea) and Their Climatic Interpretation. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 15..
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259818: Hofker, J. (1964). Foraminifera from the tidal zone in the Netherlands Antilles and other West Indian Islands. Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands. 21: 1-119..
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259848: Hofker, J. (1969). Recent Foraminifera from Barbados. Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands. vol. 31, 1-158..
259862: Banner, F.T.; Blow, W.H. (1960). Some primary types of species belonging to the superfamily Globigerinaceae. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. Vol. 11(1) p. 1-41..
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260000: Fornasini, C. (1887). Indice delle Textularie Italiane. Bollettino della Societa? geologica italiana. vol. 6 p. 379-397..
260051: Nørvang, A. (1958). Islandiella n. g. and Cassidulina d'Orbigny. Dansk naturh. Foren. Widensk. Medd. v. 120, p. 25–41, pls, 6–9..
260064: Bermúdez, P. J. (1937). Nuevas especies de foraminíferos del Eoceno de Cuba. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey". 2(3), 137-150..
260066: Bermúdez, P. J. (1934). Un género y especie nueva de foraminíferos vivientes de Cuba. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey". 8(2), 83-86..
260067: Bermúdez, P. J. (1935). Foraminíferos de la Costa norte de Cuba. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey". 9(3), 129-224..
260068: Parker, F. L.; Bermúdez, P. J. (1937). New species of the genera Bulimina and Buliminella from Cuba. Journal of Paleontology. 11(6), 513-516..
260069: Bermúdez, P. J. (1938). Nueva especie de Seabrookia del Cretácico superior cubano. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural. 12(3), 163-165..
260070: Bermúdez, P. J. (1938). Nueva especie de Bulimina del Cretácico superior de Cuba. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey". 12(2), 89-90..
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260712: ?uczkowska, E. (1974). Miliolidae (Foraminiferida) from the Miocene of Poland Part II. Biostratigraphy, palaeoecology and systematics. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 19 (1): 3-176..
260714: ?uczkowska, E. (1960). Zmiany nazw homonimów niektórych otwornic z tortonu Polski-Changes of homonymic names of some foraminifera from the Polish Tortonian. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae. vol. 9 n° 4..
260715: ?uczkowska, E. (1955). O torto?skich otwornicach z warstw chodenickich i grabowieckich okolic Bochni - Tortonian Foraminifera from the Chodenice and Grabowiec Beds in the vicinity of Bochnia. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae. vol 23, No 1-4 (1953): 77-156..
260718: Brönnimann, P. (1951). The genus Orbulina d'Orbigny in the Oligo-Miocene of Trinidad. Contribution from the Cushman Foundation for foraminiferal research. vol. 2 pt. 4: 132-138..
260724: Kochansky-Devidé, V. (1959). Karbonske i permske fuzulinidne foraminifere Velebita i Like. Donji Perm-Die fusuliniden Foraminiferen aus dem Karbon und Perm im Velebit und in der Lika (Kroatien). Unteres Perm. Palaeontologia Jugoslavica. vol. 3: 60 p..
260736: Fornasini, C. (1903). Le otto pretese specie di Amphistegina istituite da d'Orbigny nel 1826. Rendiconto delle sessioni della Reale Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. vol. 7: 142-145..
260739: Orbigny, A. D. d'. (1840). Mémoire sur les foraminifères de la craie blanche du bassin de Paris. Mémoires de la Société géologique de France. 4 (Mem. no. 1): 1-51..
260751: Bagg, R. M. (1912). Pliocene and Pleistocene Foraminifera from southern California. U. S. Geol. Survey Bulletin. vol. 513..
260752: Bermúdez, P. J.; Seiglie, G. A. (1963). Estudio sistemático de los foraminíferos del Golfo de Cariaco (Venezuela). Bol. Inst. Ocean., U.D.O., Cumaná. 2(2): 1-267..
260757: Hofker, J. (1978). Biological results of the Snellius expedition XXX : the foraminifera collected in 1929 and 1930 in the eastern part of the Indonesian Archipelago. Zoologische Verhandelingen. 161 (1): 3-69..
260758: Brönnimann, P.; Brown, N. K. (1953). Observations on some planktonic Heterohelicidae from the Upper Cretaceous of Cuba. Contribution from the Cushman Foundation for foraminiferal research. 4(4): 150-156..
260780: Voloshinova, N. A. (1958). ? ????? ??????????? ???????? - About a new systematics of the Nonionidae. ?????????? CCCR, Microfauna of the USSR, Proceedings of the Oil Research Geological Institute (??????-VNIGRI). Col. 9, 115: 117–223..
260783: Voloshinova, N. A.; Dain, L. G. (1952). ?????????, ????????????? ? ??????????????-Nonionidae, Cassidulinidae and Chilostomellidae. ?????????? ???????????? ????-Fossil foraminifera of the USSR, Proceedings of the Oil Research Geological Institute (??????-VNIGRI). new ser. 63: 1-114..
260809: Shupack, B. (1934). Some Foraminifera from western Long Island and New York Harbor. American Museum novitates. no. 737..
260816: Subbotina, N. N. (1953). ?????????????, ???????????? ? ??????????????-Globigerinidae, Hantkeninidae and Globorotaliidae. ?????????? ???????????? ????-Fossil foraminifera of the USSR, Proceedings of the Oil Research Geological Institute (??????-VNIGRI). new ser. 76..
260819: Thalmann, H. E. (1950). New names and homonyms in Foraminifera. Contribution from the Cushman Foundation for foraminiferal research. 1(3/4): 41-45..
260821: Franke, A. (1925). Die Foraminiferen der pommerschen Kreide. Abhandlungen aus dem Geologisch-Palaeontologischen Institut der Universität Greifswald. 6: 1-99..
260833: Wiesner, H. (1923). Die Miliolideen der östlichen Adria. Prag-Bubenec. 1-113..
260835: Asano, K. (1938). On the Japanese Species of Uvigerina and Its Allied Genera. The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan. 45 (538): 609-618..
260838: Bermúdez, P. J. (1961). Contribución al estudio de la Globigerinidea de la región Caribe-Antillana. Ministerio de Minas e Hidrocarburos (Venezuela), Publ. Especial. n° 3 vol. 3: 1116-1393..
260843: Barnard, T. (1949). Foraminifera from the Lower Lias of the Dorset Coast. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. 105(1-4): 347-391..
260845: Barnard, T. (1950). Foraminifera from the Upper Lias of Byfield, Northamptonshire. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. 106(1-4): 1-36..
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260850: Carsey, D. O. (1926). Foraminifera of the Cretaceous of central Texas. University of Texas bulletin. Volume no. 2612..
260852: Folin, L. de. (1886). Les Bathysiphons. Premières pages d'une monographie du genre. Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux. 40: 271-289..
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260887: Bolli, H. M. (1957). Planktonic foraminifera from the Oligocene-Miocene Cipero and Lengua formations of Trinidad, BWI. Bulletin of the U.S. National Museum. Vol. 215: 97-131..
260888: Mosna, S.; Vercesi, P. L. (1975). Globigerinoides italicus nuova specie del Pliocene inferiore ligure. Atti dell'Istituto geologico della Università di Pavia. vol. 25..
260889: Saito, T.; Maiya, S. (1973). Planktonic foraminifera of the Nishikurosawa Formation, northeast Honshu, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. n. s. n° 91: 113-125..
260890: Keijzer, F. G. (1945). Outline of the geology of the eastern part of the province of Oriente, Cuba (E of 760 WL): with notes on the geology of other parts of the island. Geographische en Geologische Mededeelingen, Utrecht. v. 6: p. 1-238..
260904: Möller, V. von. (1879). Die Foraminiferen des russischen Kohlenkalks. Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg. ser. 7 vol. 27 (1880) n° 5..
260905: Möller, V. von. (1878). Die Spiral-gewundenen Foraminiferen des russischen Kohlenkalks. Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg. ser. 7 vol. 25 n° 9..
260909: Gerke, A. A. (1961). ???????????? ????????, ????????? ? ????????? ????????? ??????????? ??????? ?????? ??????????? ??????. Foraminifers from Permian, Triassic and Liassic deposits in the oil-bearing regions of north-central Siberia. ????? ??????-?????????????????? ????????? ???????? ??????? (?????) ???????????? ???????? ? ?????? ???? ????-?????????, Trudy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Geolo.
260923: Andersen, H. V. (1984). The wall structure of superfamily Miliolacea and its lineage in the Gulf Coastal Plain. Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology. 18(1): 1-19..
260926: Pourtales, F. de. (1850). On the distribution of the Foraminiferae on the coast of New Jersey, as shown by the offshore soundings of the Coast survey. Proceedings of the American Association for the advancement of Science. p. 84-88..
260939: Reitlinger, E. A. (1965). ???????? ??????????? ? ?????????????? ? ?????????????? ????? ?? ?????????? ??????????-Development of Foraminifera in the Late Permian and Early Triassic epochs in the the territory of Transcaucasia. ???????? ???? ???? ??????? ??????????????????-Akademy Nauk SSSR Voprosy Mikropaleontologii. vol. 9: 45-70..
260940: Miklukho-Maklay, K. V. (1954). ???????????? ?????????????? ????????? ????????? ??????? - Foraminifera of the Upper Permian deposits of the Northern Caucasus. ????? ??????. ???????????????- Trudy VSEGEI. Gosgeoltekhizdat. 1: 1-124..
260943: Saidova, K. M. (1970). ????????? ???????????? ?????? ??????-??????????? ?????? - Benthic foraminifera of the Kurile-Kamchatka Trench based on the data of the 39th cruise of the R/V "Vityaz.". ????? ???????? ???????????-Trudy Institut Oceanology. 86: 134-161..
260944: Saunders, J. B. (1957). Emendation of the foraminiferal genus Palmerinella. Bermúdez, 1934 and erection of the foraminiferal genus Helenia. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. vol. 47: 370-374..
260945: Orbigny, A. D. d'. (1839). Voyage dans l'Amérique Méridionale. Foraminifères. t. 5 pt. 5: 1-86..
260947: Signorini, R.; Devoto, G. (1962). Il Paleogene nell'alto Molise. Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana. 3: 461-519..
260998: Le Calvez, J.; Le Calvez, Y. (1958). Répartition des foraminifères dans la baie de Villefranche. I. "Miliolidae". Annales de l'Institut océanographique. Nouvelle série. T. XXXV. Fasc. 3..
260999: Le Calvez, Y. (1959). Etude de quelques Foraminifères nouveaux du Cuisien Franco-Belge. Revue de Micropaléontologie. vol. 2..
261001: Le Calvez, Y. (1966). Contribution à l'étude des Foraminifères de l'Oligocène inférieur (Sannoisien) dans le Bassin de Paris. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 59 (1): 401-419..
261002: Klasz, I. de; Le Calvez, Y.; Rérat, D. (1964). Deux nouveaux genres de Foraminifères du Gabon (Afrique Equatoriale). Compte rendu sommaire des séances de la Société géologique de France. 6: 236-237..
261006: Le Calvez, Y.; Klasz, I. de; Brun, I. (1971). Quelques foraminifères de l'Afrique occidentale. Revista española de micropaleontología. vol. 3 n° 3..
261008: Klasz, I. de; Le Calvez, Y.; Rérat, D. (1969). Nouveaux foraminifères du bassin sédimentaire du Gabon (Afrique équatoriale). Proceedings of the 3rd Congrès Africain de Micropaléontologie (Cairo, 1968). p. 269-287..
261009: Le Calvez, Y.; Margerel, J.-P. (1965). Un nouveau genre de Foraminifère des sables du Bois-Gouët (Loire-Atlantique). Compte rendu sommaire des séances de la Société géologique de France. 6: 205-206..
261010: Berthois, L.; Le Calvez, Y. (1959). Deuxième contribution à l'étude de la sédimentation dans le golfe de Gascogne. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes. vol. 23 n° 3: 323-375..
261013: Klasz, I. de; Le Calvez, Y.; Rérat, D. (1963). Un nouveau genre de foraminifères (Planomiliola) du Miocène du Gabon (Afrique équatoriale). Compte rendu sommaire des séances de la Société géologique de France. n° 10, 1963: 343-344..
261019: Le Calvez, Y.; Feugueur, L. (1954). Les foraminifères du "niveau d'Hérouval" à Hérouval (Oise). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. vol. S6-III no. 4-6 503-508..
261059: Bronn, H. G. (1825). System der urweltliche Pflanzenthiere durch Diagnose, Analyse und Abbildung der Geschlechter erläutert : zum Gebrauche bey Vorlesungen über Petrefactenkunde und zur Erleichterung des Selbststudiums derselben. J. C. B. Mohr (Heidelberg). 1-59..
261311: Loeblich, A.R.; Tappan, H. (1957). Morphology and taxonomy of the foraminiferal genus Pararotalia Le Calvez, 1949. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. v. 135 (2): 1-24..
261416: Folin L. de & Périer L. (1867-1887). Les fonds de la mer. Paris: Savy. 4 volumes. Dates after Rehder (1946), Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 27: 74-75. Vol. 1: 1-48 (1867), 49-112 (1868), 113-176 (1869), 177-256 (1870), 257-272 (1872), pls 1-32; Vol. 2: 1-64 (1872), 65-112 (1873), 113-124 (1874), 125-160 (1875), 161-208 (1873), 209-304 (1874), 305-360 (1875), 361-365 (1876), pl.
261696: Yanko, V. V.; Troitskaya, T. S. (1987). ?????????????????? ???????????? ??????? ???? - Late Quaternary Foraminifera of the Black Sea. ??. ???? ?? ?? ???? - Proceedings of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Filiale of the Academy of sciences USSR. 694: 1-111..
261712: Khalilov, D. M. (1956). ? ???????????? ????? ??????????? ???????????? ????????? ???????????? - On the pelagic foraminiferal fauna of the Paleogene of Azerbaijan. ???????? ???? ??????????????? ???-Akad. Nauk Azerb. S.S.R. Inst. Geol., Baku. Trudy vol. 17: 234-255..
261713: Khalilov, D. M. (1962-1967). ?????????? ? ???????????? ???????????? ????????? ????????????- Microfauna and stratigraphy of the Paleogene deposits of Azerbaidjan. ????: ???-?? ?? ??????????????? ???-Baku Akad. Nauk Azerb. S.S.R. 2 vol..
261721: Vasilenko, V. P. (1954). ??????????? - Anomalinidae. ?????????? ???????????? ????-Fossil foraminifera of the USSR - Proceedings of the Oil Research Geological Institute (??????-VNIGRI), n. s. 80: 1-282..
261725: Carbonnier, A. (1952). Sur un gisement de foraminifères d'âge cénomanien supérieur provenant de la région de Taza (Maroc). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. vol. S6-II no. 1-3 111-122..
261748: Eley, H. (1859). Geology in the Garden: Or, The Fossils in the Flint Pebbles..
261751: Wi?niowski, T. (1890). Mikrofauna i?ów ornatowych okolicy Krakowa. Cz. 1. Otwornice górnego kellowayu w Grojcu-Foraminifera of the Kelloways Beds of Grojec. Pami?tnik Ak. Umiej. Krakowie. 17: 181-242..
261768: Fornasini, C. (1883). Nota preliminare sui foraminiferi della marna pliocenica del Ponticello di Savena nel Bolognese. Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana. vol. 2 fasc. 2: 176-190..
261795: Zolotova, V. P.; Shcherbakova, M. V.; Ekhlakov, Yu. A.; Alksne, A. E.; Polozova, A. N.; Konovalova, M. V.; Kosheleva V. F. (1977). ?????????? ?? ??????????? ????????? ?????????? ? ??????????? ?????? ?????, ????????? ? ?????? - Fusulinids from Boundary deposits of the Gzhelian and Asselian stages of the Urals, Preduralie and Timan. ???????? ???? ???? ??????? ??????????????????-Academy of Sciences U.
261796: Kireeva, G.D., Shcherbovich, S.F., Dobrokhotova, S.V., Ketat, O. B.; Malkovskiy, F. S.; Syomina, S. A.; Chernova, I. A.; Yagofarova, F. Z. (1971). ???? Schwagerina vulgaris ? Schwagerina fusiformis ??????????? ????? ??????? ????????? ? ????????? ?????? ?????? ???? - Schwagerina vulgaris and Schwagerina fusiformis zone of the Asselian Stage of the Russian Platform and the western slope of the south.
261809: Andersen, H. V. (1952). Buccella, a new genus of the rotalid Foraminifera. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 42: 143-151..
261868: Boyer, C.S. (1920). Rare species of North American Diatomaceae. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 47: 67-72, 1 pl..
261874: Brightwell, T. (1856). Further observations on the genus Triceratium, with descriptions and figures of new species. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, London, 4: 272-276, pl. XVII.
261879: Brun, J. (1891). Diatomées espèces nouvelles marines, fossiles ou pélagiques. Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève, 31(part 2, no.1): 1-47, pl. 11-22.
261884: Bailey, L.W. (1862). Notes on new species of microscopical organisms chiefly from the Para River, South America. Boston Journal of Natural History, 7(3): 329-352, pls VII, VIII.
261888: Bourrelly, P. & Manguin, E. (1952). Algues d'eau douce de la Guadeloupe et dépendances. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Société d'Edition d'Enseignement Supérieur, Paris, 281 pp..
261892: Brightwell, T. (1860). On some of the rarer or undescribed species of Diatomaceae. Part II. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, London, 8(31): 93-96, 139, pl. V, VI..
261955: Cleve, P.T. (1878). Diatoms from the West Indian Archipelago. Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 5(8): 1-22, 5pls.
261956: Cleve, P.T. (1883). Diatoms, Collected during the expedition of the Vega. Vega-Expedition Vetenskåpliga Iakttagelser Bearbetade of Deltagare I Resan Och Andra Forskare untgifna af A.E. Nordenskiöld, 3: 457-517, 4 pls..
261958: Cleve, P.T. (1894). Synopsis of the Naviculoid Diatoms, Part I. Kongliga Svenska-Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar, 26(2): 1-194, 5 pls.
261959: Cleve, P.T. (1895). Synopsis of the Naviculoid Diatoms, Part II. Kongliga Svenska-Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar. 27(3): 1-219, 4 pls..
261987: Cleve, P.T. (1881). On some new and little known diatoms. Kongliga Svenska-Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar, 18(5): 1-28, 6 pls.
262008: Greville, R.K. (1866). Descriptions of new and rare Diatoms. Series XVIII. Transactions of the Microscopical Society, New Series, London, 14: 1-9, pls I & II.
262018: Ehrenberg, C.G. (1854). Mikrogeologie. Das Erden und Felsen schaffende Wirken des unsichtbar kleinen selbstständigen Lebens auf der Erde. [Texte]. Leopold Voss, Leipzig., xxviii + 374 pp..
262020: Ehrenberg, C.G. (1854). Mikrogeologie. Einundvierzig Tafeln mit über viertausend grossentheils colorirten Figuren, Gezeichnet vom Verfasser. [Atlas]. Leopold Voss, Leipzig., 40 pls..
262053: Salah, M.M. (1953). Diatoms from Blakeney Point, Norfolk. New species and new records from Great Britain. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, series 3,, 72(3): 155-169..
262063: Hustedt, F. (1955). Marine littoral diatoms of Beaufort, North Carolina. Duke University Marine Station, Bulletin, 6: 67 pp., 16 pls..
262064: Hustedt, F. (1956). Diatomeen aus dem Lago de Maracaibo in Venezuela. In: Ergebnisse der deutschen limnologischen Venezuela-Expedition 1952 (F. Gessner & V. Vareschi). Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1: 93-140.
262110: Hasle, G.R. (1960). Phytoplankton and ciliate species from the tropical Pacific. Skrifter utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, Matematisk-naturvidenskapelig klasse, 1960(2): 1-50, 8 pls.
262149: Greville, R. K. (1861). Descriptions of new and rare Diatoms. Series II. Transactions of the Microscopical Society, New Series, London. 9: 67-73..
262154: Greville, R.K. (1862). Descriptions of new and rare Diatoms. Series VII. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, new series, London, 2: 231-236, pl. X.
262156: Greville, R. K. (1864). Descriptions of new and rare Diatoms. Series XIII. Transactions of the Microscopical Society, New Series, London. 12: 87-94..
262157: Greville, R.K. (1865). Descriptions of new and rare Diatoms. Series XIV. Transactions of the Microscopical Society, New Series, London, 13: 1-10, pls I & II.
262160: Greville, R.K. (1866). Descriptions of new and rare Diatoms. Series XIX. Transactions of the Microscopical Society, New Series, London, 14: 77-86, pls VIII & IX.
262162: Grunow, A. (1860). Ueber neue oder ungenügend gekannte Algen. Erste Folge, Diatomeen, Familie Naviculaceen. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 10: 503-582, Tabs III-VII..
262163: Grunow, A. (1863). Ueber einige neue und ungenügend bekannte Arten und Gattungen von Diatomaceen. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 13: 137-162, pls. 13-14.
262164: Grunow, A. (1867). Diatomeen auf Sargassum von Honduras, gesammelt von Lindig. Hedwigia, 6(1-3): 1-8, 17-32, 33-37.
262167: Grunow, A. (1877). New Diatoms from Honduras, with notes by F. Kitton. Monthly Microscopical Journal, London. 18: 165-186, pls 193-196..
262487: Gran, H.H. (1897). Protophyta: Diatomaceae, Silicoflagellata and Cilioflagellata. Den Norske Nordhavs-Expedition 1876-1878. Botanik. Christiana, Grøndahl & Søns, pp. 1-36, pl. 1-4..
262495: Hendey, N.I. (1964). An introductory acount of the smaller algae of British coastal waters. Part V: Bacillariophyceae (Diatoms). Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Fishery Investigations, Series 4. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 317 pp., 45 pls.
262507: Hustedt, F. (1942). Sü.
262508: Hustedt, F. (1945). Diatomeen aus Seen und Quellgebieten der Balkan-Halbinsel. Archiv für Hydrobiologie. 40(4): 867-973, 12 pls..
262510: Hustedt, F. (1949). Süsswasser-Diatomeen aus dem Albert-Nationalpark in Belgisch-Kongo. Exploration du Parc National Albert, Mission H. Damas (1935-1936), Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo Belge, Bruxelles, 8: 199 pp., 16 pls..
262531: Krasske, G. (1941). Die Kieselalgen des chilenischen Küstenplanktons. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 38: 260-287, pls 4-6.
262535: Leuduger-Fortmorel, G. (1879). Catalogue des Diatomées de L'ile Ceylan. Mémoires de la Société d'Emulation des Côtes-du-Nord. St. Brieuc, 73 pp., 9 pls..
262536: Leuduger-Fortmorel, G. (1892). Diatomées de la Malaisie. Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg, 11: 1-60, pl. 1-7..
262538: Lewis, F.W. (1861). Notes on new and rarer species of Diatomaceae of the United States sea board. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 13: 61-71, 2 pls..
262597: Ehrenberg, C.G. (1843). Verbreitung und Einfluss des mikroskopischen Lebens in Süd-und Nord-Amerika. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1841: 291-445, 4 pls..
262598: Pritchard, A. (1861). A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arl.
262618: Simonsen, R. (1959). Neue Diatomeen aus der Ostsee. I. Kieler Meeresforschungen, 15: 74-83, 3 pls..
262643: Smith, W. (1856). Synopsis of British Diatomaceae. John Van Voorst, London 1856., 2: 107 pp., pls. 32-60, 61-62, A-E..
262721: Greville, R.K. (1863). Descriptions of new genera and species of Diatoms from the South Pacific. Part 1. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, New Series, 18: 34-43, pl. I..
262723: Manguin, E. (1960). Les Diatomées de la Terre Adélie Campagne du Commandant Charcot 1949-1950. Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 12,, 1(2): 223-363, 31 pls..
262739: Witt, O.N. (1873). Bericht uber die Untersuchung zweier Diatomaceen-Gemische. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Flora der Sudsee. Journal des Museums Godeffroy, 1(1): 63-70, 1 pl..
262757: Van Heurck, H. (1880). Synopsis des Diatomées de Belgique. Atlas. Ducaju & Cie., Anvers..
262773: Cleve-Euler, A. (Cleve) (1953). Die Diatomeen von Schweden und Finnland. Part II, Arraphideae, Brachyraphideae. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handligar, ser. 4,, 4(1): 1-158, figs 292-483.
262871: Deby, J. (1891). Analysis of the diatomaceous genus Campylodiscus. London, Privately published. 96 pp., 12 pls..
262969: Pavillard, J. (1916). Recherches sur les Diatomées Pélagiques du Golfe du Lion. Travail de l'Institut de botanique de l'Université de Montpellier et de la station zoologique de Cette, Série mixte, Mémoire No. 5., 62 pp., 2 pls..
262982: Rattray, J. (1890). A Revision of the Genus Coscinodiscus Ehrb., and some Allied Genera. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 16: 449-692, 3 pls..
263072: Ehrenberg, C.G. (1839). Über die Bildung der Kreidefelsen und des Kreidemergels durch unsichtbare Organismen. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Physikalische Klasse. 1838: 59-147, pls. 1-4..
263077: Ehrenberg, C.G. (1869). Über mächtige Gebirgs-Schichten vorherrschend aus mikroskopischen Bacillarien unter und bei der Stadt Mexiko. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Physikalische Klasse, 1869: 1-66, pls. 1-3..
263107: Meister, F. (1935). Seltene und neue Kieselalgen. I. Berichte der Schweizerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft, 44: 87-108..
263155: Bailey, J. W. (1851). Microscopical examination of soundings made by the U.S. Coast Survey off Atlantic coast of the U.S. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 2: 1-15, 1 pl..
263210: Ostenfeld, C.H. (1902). Marine Plankton Diatoms. In: Flora of Koh Chang. Contributions to the knowledge of the vegetation in the Gulf of Siam by Johs. Schmidt. Part VII. Botanisk Tidsskrift, 25(1): 1-27, 23 figs..
263245: Hustedt, F. (1954). Neue und wenig bekannte Diatomeen. VI. Bericht der Deutschen Botanischen Gessellschaft, 67(8): 269-280.
263333: Berg, Å. (1939). Some new species and forms of the diatom genus Eunotia Ehrenberg 1837. Botaniska Notiser, 1939: 423-462.
263350: Grunow, A. (1862). Die österreichischen Diatomaceen nebst Anschluss einiger neuen Arten von andern Lokalitäten und einer kritischen Uebersicht der bisher bekannten Gattungen und Arten. Erste Folge. Epithemieae, Meridioneae, Diatomeae, Entopyleae, Surirelleae, Amphipleureae. Zweite Folge. Familie Nitzschieae. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 12: .
263357: Ehrenberg, C.G. (1872). Mikrogeologische Studien als Zusammenfassung seiner Beobachtungen des kleinsten Lebens der Meeres-Tiefgründe aller Zonen und dessen geologischen Einflufs. Monatsbericht der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1872: 265-322.
263361: Hustedt, F. (1937). Systematische und ökologische Untersuchungen über die Diatomeen-Flora von Java, Bali und Sumatra nach dem Material der Deutschen Limnologischen Sunda-Expedition "Tropische Binnengewässer, Band VII". Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Supplemen. 15(2): 187-295..
263470: Cupp, E.E. (1943). Marine plankton diatoms of the west coast of North America. Bulletin Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California. University of California Press,, 5(1): 1-238, pls. 1-5, 168 text fig..
263487: Tempère, J.; Peragallo, H. (1908). Diatomées du Monde Entier, Edition 2, 30 fascicules. Fascicule 2-7. Chez J. Tempère, Arcachon, Gironde. pp. 17-112..
263489: Tempère, J. & Peragallo, H. (1910). Diatomées du Monde Entier, Edition 2, 30 fascicules. Fascicule 13-16. Chez J. Tempère, Arcachon, Gironde, pp. 209-256..
263708: Harting, P. (1852). Over de Boden onder Amsterdam, onderzucht en beschreven. Verhandelingen der Eerst Klasse van bet Koninklijk Nederlandsche Institut von Wetenschappen, Letterkunde, en Schoone Kunsten te Amsterdam, 3e Reeks, Vijfde Deel 1852., 73-232, 4 pl..
263765: Peragallo, H. (1888). Diatomées du Midi de la France. Diatomées de la Baie de Villefranche (Alpes Maritimes). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse. 22: 5-100, pl. 1-6..
263783: Cleve, P.T. (1893). Sur quelques espèces nouvelles ou peu connues. Le Diatomiste, 2(13): 12-16, pl. 1, figs. 1-20..
263851: Hustedt, F. (1961). Die Kieselalgen Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz unter Berücksichtigung der übrigen Länder Europas sowie der angrenzenden Meeresgebiete. In: L. Rabenhorst (ed.), Kryptogamen Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.h. Leipzig. 7(Teil 3, Lief. 1): 1-160, figs 1180-1294..
263901: Patrick, R.M. (1959). New species and nomenclatural changes in the genus Navicula (Bacillariophyceae). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 111: 91-108, 2 pl..
263984: Castracane, F. (1875). Contribuzione alla florula delle Diatomee del Mediterraneo ossia esame del contenuto dello stomaco di una Salpa pinnata pescata a Messina. Atti dell'Accademia Pontificia de'Nuovi Lincei, 28: 377-396, pl. 6..
264002: Cleve, P.T. (1897). A Treatise of the Phytoplankton of the Northern Atlantic and its Tributaries. Upsala Nya Tidnings Aktiebolags Tryckeri, Upsala., 27 pp..
264156: Manguin, E. (1954). Contribution à la connaissance biologique des boues lacustres du Lac Pavin (Puy-de-Dôme). Annales de l'Ecole Nationale des Eaux et Forêts et de la Station de Recherches et Experiences. 14(1): pg. 19, 3 pls..
264307: Cleve, P.T. ; Grunow, A. (1880). Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Arctischen Diatomeen. Kongliga Svenska-Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar. 17(2): 121 pp., 7 pls..
264420: Conger, P.S. (1954). A new genus and species of plankton diatom from the Florida Straits. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 122(14): 1-8, 4 pls.
264494: O'Meara, E. (1874). Triceratium campeachianum and Navicula aspera. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, new series, London, 14: 319.
264504: Proschkina-Lavrenko, A.I. (1955). Relictae Diatomeae planctoni e Maris Nigri. Botaniceskie materialy otdela sporovyh rastenij Botanicheskogo instituta imeni V.L. Komarova, Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R. Notulae systematicae e sectione cryptogamica instituti botanici nomine V.L. Komarovi academiae scientiarum URSS, 10: 45-54.
265273: Beck, R.S. (1943). Eocene Foraminifera from Cowlitz River, Lewis County, Washington. Journal of Paleontology, 17(6): 584-614.
265351: Cushman, J. A.; Alexander, C. I. (1930). Some Vaginulinas and other foraminifera from the Lower Cretaceous of Texas. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 6(1): 1-10, pl. 1-2..
265535: Fryxell, G.A. (1975). Three new species of Thalassiosira, with observations on the occluded process, a newly observed structure of diatom valves. In: R. Simonsen (ed.), Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Recent and Fossil Marine Diatoms, Kiel, September 9-13, 1974. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia , 53: 57-82.
265591: Giffen, M.H. (1975). An account of the littoral diatoms from Langeban, Saldanha Bay Cape Province, South Africa. Botanica Marina. 18(2): 71-95..
265683: Boyer, C.S. (1898). New species of diatoms. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1898: 468-470, pl. 24.
267138: Hanna, G D. & Hanna, M.A. (1924). Foraminifera from the Eocene of Cowlitz River, Lewis County, Washington. University of Washington Publications in Geology, 1(4): 57-64, pl. 13.
267322: Takano, H. (1982). New and rare diatoms from Japanese marine waters-VIII. Neodelphineis pelagica gen. et sp. nov. Bulletin Tokai Regional Fisheries Research Lab, 106: 45-53.
267328: Hanna, G. D. (1923). Some Eocene foraminifera near Vacaville, California. University of California Publications, Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences. 14(9): 319-329, pls. 58-59..
267460: Ehrenberg, C.G. (1839). Über jetztlebende Organismen der Kreide. Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1839: 178-179.
267461: Ehrenberg, C. G. (1840). Eine weitere Erläuterung des Organismus mehrerer in Berlin lebend beobachteter Polythalamien der Nordsee. Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1840: 18-23..
267528: Giffen, M.H. (1970). Contributions to the diatom flora of South Africa IV. The marine littoral diatoms of the estuary of the Kowie River, Port Alfred, Cape Province. In: Diatomaceae II (J. Gerloff & J.B. Cholnoky, eds.). Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia. 31: 259-312, 5 pls..
267534: Brun, J. (1895). Diatomées lacustres, marines ou fossiles, espèces nouvelles ou insuffisamment connues. Le Diatomiste, 2: pls. 14-17, 19-20..
267743: VanLandingham, S.L. (1968). Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms. Part II. Bacteriastrum through Coscinodiscus. Verlag Von J. Cramer, 2: v-vii, 494-1086.
267765: Church, C. (1968). Shallow water foraminifera from Cape San Lucas, Lower California. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 30(17): 357-380..
267770: VanLandingham, S.L. (1975). Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms. Part V. Navicula. 3301 Lehre, Verlag von J. Cramer, 5: 2386-2963.
267863: Sullivan, M.J. & Reimer, C.H. (1975). Some diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from a Delaware salt marsh - four of which are described as new. Botanica Marina, 18: 115-121.
267916: Phillips, J. (1846). On the remains of microscopic animals in the rocks of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West-Riding of Yorkshire, August 1845: 274-302.
267934: Ehrenberg, C.G. (1840). Über noch zahlreich jetzt lebende Thierarten der Kreidebildung und den Organismus der Polythalamien. Berlin 1840., 94 pp., 4 pls..
268008: Karsten, G. (1907). Das Indische Phytoplankton nach dem Material der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition 1898-1899. Wissenschaftliche ergebnisse der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf dem Dampfer Valdivia 1898-1899, von Carl Chun. Frommannsche Buchdruckerei (Hermann Pohle) in Jena, 2(2): 1-328 (221-548), pls. [1-20] 35-54..
268038: Hasle, G.R. & Syvertsen, E.E. (1996). Marine diatoms. In: Tomas, C.R. (ed.), Identifying marine diatoms and dinoflagellates. Academic Press, Inc., pp. 5-385.
268056: Norman, G. (1861). On some undescribed species of Diatomaceae. Transactions of the Microscopical Society, New Series, London, 9: 5-9, pl. II.
268078: Gregory, W. (1855). On a post-Tertiary lacustrine sand, containing Diatomaceous exuviae from, Glenshira, near Inverary. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, London, 3: 30-43, pl. IV.
268355: Petit, P. (1878). On some new genera and species of Diatomaceae. Translated by F. Kitton, F.R.M.S. by kind permission of the author. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, series 3,, 1: 237-245, pls 14-15.
268392: Grunow, A. (1880). On some new species of Nitzschia (with notes by Kitton). Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, series 3,, 3(1): 394-397, pl. 12-13..
268393: Karsten, G. (1905). Das Phytoplankton des Antarktischen Meeres nach dem Material der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition 1898-1899. Wissenschaftliche ergebnisse der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf dem Dampfer Valdivia 1898-1899, von Carl Chun. Frommannsche Buchdruckerei (Hermann Pohle) in Jena, 2(2): 1-136, pls 1-19.
268394: Karsten, G. (1906). Das Phytoplankton des Atlantischen Oceans nach dem Material der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition 1898-1899. Wissenschaftliche ergebnisse der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf dem Dampfer Valdivia 1898-1899, von Carl Chun. Frommannsche Buchdruckerei (Hermann Pohle) in Jena, 2(2): 1-83 (137-219), pls. 20-34 [1-15]..
268512: Hustedt, F. (1957). Die Diatomeenflora des Flu.
268593: Greville, R.K. (1859). On Plagiogramma, a new genus of Diatomaceae. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, London, 7: 207-211, pl. X.
268649: Prasad, A.K.S.K. & Livingston, R.J. (1993). Frustule morphology of the planktonic pennate diatom Fragilaria gessneri Hustedt (Bacillariophyta) from the Florida coast of the Gulf of Mexico, with a description of Desikaneis gen. nov. Phycologia. 32(6): 434-443..
268926: Sims, P.A. & Ross, R. (1990). Triceratium pulvinar and T. unguiculatum, two confused species. Diatom Research, 5(1): 155-169.
269020: Giffen, M.H. (1980). A checklist of marine littoral diatoms from Mahé, Seychelles Islands. Bacillaria. 3: 129-159..
269142: Prasad, A.K.S.K. (1986). Delphineis linvingstonii n. sp. (Diatomaceae, Bacillariophyceae) from St. George Sound, northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Botanica Marina, 29(6): 517-522.
269210: Takano, H. (1965). New and rare diatoms from Japanese waters--I. Bulletin Tokai Regional Fisheries Research Lab, 42: 1-10, 1 pl..
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278983: Vieaux, D. G. (1941). New Foraminifera from the Denton Formation in northern Texas. Journal of Paleontology. 15(6): 624-628..
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279018: Stewart, G. A.; Lampe, L. (1947). Foraminifera from the Middle Devonian Bone Beds of Ohio. Journal of Paleontology. 21(6): 529-536..
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279233: Crespin, I. (1943). The genus Lepidocyclina in Victoria. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 55(2): 157-180..
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279238: Reichel, M. (1940). Unterpermische Fusuliniden aus dem Karakorum und dem Aghil-Gebirge. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der niederländischen Expedition in den Karakorum. 3(1): 89-118..
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279435: Smith, D. J. (1948). Miocene Foraminifera of the "Harang sediments" of southern Louisiana. Louisiana Geological Survey Bulletin. 26: 23-76..
279437: Lalicker, C. G. (1950). Foraminifera of the Ellis Group, Jurassic, at the type Locality. University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Protozoa. 5(2): 3-20..
279442: Rao, S. R. N. (1942). On Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) birmanica sp. nov. and Pseudophragmina (Asterophragmina) pagoda gen, et. sp. nov. from the Yaw Stage (Priabonian) of Burma. Records of the Geological Survey of India. 77(12): 1-14..
279443: Plummer, H. J. (1945). Smaller foraminifera in the Marble Falls, Smithwick, and lower Strawn strata around the Llano uplift in Texas. University of Texas Bulletin. 4401: 209-271..
279444: Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1950). North American Jurassic Foraminifera: I. The Type Redwater Shale (Oxfordian) of South Dakota. Journal of Paleontology. 24(1): 39-60..
279447: Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1950). North American Jurassic Foraminifera, II. Characteristic western interior Callovian species. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 40: 5-19..
279448: Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1950). Foraminifera of the type Kiowa shale, lower Cretaceous, of Kansas. The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions: Protozoa. 6(3): 1-15..
279453: Ten Dam A.; Sigal, J. (1950). Some new species of foraminifera from the Dano-Montian of Algeria. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 1(1-2): 31-37..
279454: Pérébaskine, V. (1946). Note sur quelques Foraminifères nouveaux du Flysch néocrétacé pyrénéen. Société géologique de France Bulletin. 5(15)[1945](7-8): 357-360..
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279456: David-Sylvain, E. (1937). E?tude sur quelques grands foraminife?res tertiaires. Société géologique de France Mémoires. 33: 1-44..
279471: Thompson M. L.; Verville, G. J.; Bissell H. J. (1950). Pennsylvanian Fusulinids of the South-Central Wasatch Mountains, Utah. Journal of Paleontology. 24(4): 430-465..
279569: Sluis, J. P. van der. (1950). Contributions to the geology of East Seran. Geological, petrographical and palaeontological results of explorations carried out from Sept. 1917 till June 1919 in the Island of Ceram / by L. Rutten and W. Hotz., Geology. 3(3): 1-66..
279581: Sluis, J. P. van der; Vletter, D. R. de. (1942). Young Tertiary smaller foraminifera from the neighbourhood of Ngimbang, East Java. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. 45(10): 1008-1015..
279613: Nakkady, S. E. (1950). A new foraminiferal fauna from the Esna shales and Upper Cretaceous chalk of Egypt. Journal of Paleontology. 24: 675-692..
279833: Haeckel, E. (1877). Die Physemarien (Haliphysema und Gastrophysema), Gastraeaden der Gegenwart. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft. 11: 1-54 pl. 6..
279834: Loeblich A. R. (1958). The foraminferal genus Halyphysema and two new tropical pacific species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 107[1959]: 123-126..
279841: Buchner, P. (1942). Die Lingulinen des Golfes von Neapel und der marinen Ablagerungen auf Ischia. Kaiserlich-Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher. 11(75): 103-145..
279842: Buchner, P. (1940). Die Lagenen des Golfes von Neapel und der marinen Ablagerungen auf Ischia. (Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Insel Ischia 1). Kaiserlich-Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher. 9(62): 361-560..
279865: Newell, N. D.; Chronics, B. J.; Roberts, T. J. (1949). Upper Paleozoic of Peru. Part 3 Fusilinidae. Columbia University Service Bureau. 174-240..
279867: Schijfsma, E. (1946). The Foraminifera from the Hervian (Campanian) of Southern Limburg. Mededelingen van de Geologische Stichting. Ser. C-V 7: 1-174..
279899: Zhukov, E. V. (1983). New representatives of the fauna of trematodes from the fishes of the Gulf of Mexico. Parazitologiya. 17(2): 112-117..
279900: Makiyama, J.; Nakagawa, T. (1941). Pleistocene Foraminifera from Sima, Mie Prefecture. The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan. 48(572): 239-243..
279933: Grzybowski, J. (1901). Otwornice warstw inoceramowych okolicy Gorlic-Foraminifera of the Inoceramian Beds in the vicinity of Gorlice. Rozprawy Wydzia?u Matematyczno-Przyrodniczego Akademii Umiej?tno?ci. Sec. B. 41: 219-288..
279934: Grzybowski, J. (1898). Otwornice pok?adów naftono?nych okolicy Krosna-Foraminifera of oil-bearing strata in the neighbourhood of Krosno. Rozprawy Wydzia?u Matematyczno-Przyrodniczego Akademii Umiej?tno?ci. 33[1897]: 257-305..
279939: Cole, W. S. (1954). Larger Foraminifera from Bikini Drill Holes. United States Geological Survey Professional Papers. 260-O: 569-608..
279993: Brönnimann, P. T. (1952). Globigerinidae from the upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Maestrichtian) of Trinidad,, B.W.I. Bulletin of American paleontology. 34: 5-71..
280047: Cole, W. S.; Gravell, D. W. (1952). Middle Eocene Foraminifera from Peñon Seep, Matanzas Province, Cuba. Journal of Paleontology. 26(5): 708-727..
280052: Brönnimann, P. (1952). Globigerinoita and Globigerinatheka, new genera from the Tertiary of Trinidad, B.W.I. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 3(1): 25-28..
280056: Ciry, R.; Rat, P. (1951). Un foraminifère nouveau du Crétacé supérieur de la Navarre espagnole. Bulletin Scientifique de Bourgogne. 13: 75-86..
280058: Rozlozsnik, P. (1924). Bevezetés a nummulinák és assilinák tanulmányozásába-Introduction to the study of Nummulines and Assilines. Magyar Kira?lyi Fo?ldtani Inte?zet e?vko?nyve. 26(1): 1-136..
280060: Zeller, D. E. N. (1953). Endothyroid Foraminifera and ancestral fusulinids from the type Chesteran (Upper Mississippian). Journal of Paleontology. 27(2): 183-199..
280070: Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1952). The foraminiferal genus Triplasia Reuss, 1854. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. 117(15)[1953]: 1-61..
280073: Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1952). Morphology of the test in the foraminiferal genus Tristix Macfadyen. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 42: 356-361..
280078: Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1952). Poritextularia, a new Recent foraminiferal genus. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 42(8): 264-266..
280084: Israelsky, M. C. (1951). Foraminifera of the Lodo Formation, central California; General introduction and part 1, Arenaceous Foraminifera. United States Geological Survey Professional Papers. 240-A: 1-29..
280090: Eisenack, A. (1954). Foraminiferen aus dem baltischen Silurs. Senckenbergiana Lethaea. 35(1-2): 51-72..
280091: Todd, R.; Post, R. J. (1954). Bikini and nearby atolls, Marshall Islands; paleontology : Smaller Foraminifera from Bikini drill holes. United States Geological Survey Professional Papers. 260-N: 547-568..
280092: Reiss, Z. (1954). Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Bolivinoides from Israel. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 5(4): 154-164..
280093: Weiss, L. (1955). Foraminifera from the Paleocene Pale Greda Formation of Peru. Journal of Paleontology. 29(1): 1-21..
280095: Petri, S. (1954). Foraminíferos Fósseis da Bacia do Marajó. Boletim da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da Universidade de São Paulo. Mineralogia. (11): 1-172..
280096: Thalmann, H. E. (1955). New names for foraminifer homonyms, III. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 6(2): 82..
280097: Stelck, C. R.; Wall, J. H. (1954). Kaskapau Foraminifera from Peace River Area of Western Canada. Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Report. 68: 1-46..
280100: Hagn, H. (1953). Die Foraminiferen der Pinswanger Schichten (Unteres Obercampan). Ein Beitrag zur Mikropaläontologie der Helvetischen Oberkreide Südbayerns. Palaeontographica. A-104(1-3): 1-119..
280101: Bettenstaedt, F. (1952). Stratigraphisch wichtige Foraminiferen Arten aus dem Barrême vorwiegend Nordwest-Deutschlands. Senckenbergiana. 33(4–6): 263–295..
280102: Akers, W. H. (1955). Some planktonic foraminifers of the American gulf coast and suggested correlations with the Caribbean Tertiary. Journal of Paleontology. 29(4): 647-664..
280105: Brady, H. B. (1870). Notes on the foraminifera of mineral veins and the adjacent strata. British Association for the Advancement of Science, Reports, London, 39th Meeting (1869). 381-382..
280110: Murata, S. (1953). Paleogene Foraminifera in the Chikuho Coal-Field, Kyushu. Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology. 3: 56-62..
280115: Drooger, C. W. (1952). Study of American Miogypsinidae. Utrecht Thesis/dissertation. 1-80..
280176: Flandrin, J. (1938). Contribution à l'étude paléontologique du nummulitique algérien. Algeria. Service de la carte géologique de l'Algérie, Matériaux pour la carte géologique de l'Algérie. 1. sér. 8: 1-158..
280188: Ficheur, E. (1890). Les terrains éocènes de la Kabylie du Djurjura. 474 p..
280204: Israelsky, M. C. (1955). Foraminifera of the Lodo Formation, central California; Part 2, Calcareous foraminifera (Miliolidae and Lagenidae, part). United States Geological Survey Professional Papers. 240-B: 31-79..
280214: Bailey, L. W. (1861). Notes on new species of microscopical organisms, chiefly from the Para River, South America. Boston journal of natural history. 7(3): 329-351..
280227: Moreman, W. L. (1930). Arenaceous Foraminifera from Ordovician and Silurian limestones of Oklahoma. Journal of Paleontology. 4(1): 42-59..
280231: Papp, A.; Turnovsky, K. (1953). Die Entwicklung der Uvigerinen im Vindobon (Helvet und Torton) des Wiener Beckens. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt., Wien. 96(1): 117-142..
280234: Stelck, C. R.; Wall, J. H. (1955). Foraminifera of the Cenomanian Dunveganoceras Zone from Peace River Area of Western Canada. Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Report. 70: 1-91..
280235: Smout, A. H. (1954). Lower Tertiary foraminifera of the Qatar peninsula. British Museum. 96 pp..
280239: Asano, K. (1956). The Foraminifera from the Adjacent Seas of Japan, collected by the S.S. Soyo-maru, 1922-1930 : Part 1. Nodosariidae. The science reports of the Tohoku University. Second series, Geology. 27: 1-A22..
280240: Asano, K. (1956). The Foraminifera from the Adjacent Seas of Japan, collected by the S.S. Soyo-maru, 1922-1930 : Part 2. Miliolidae. The science reports of the Tohoku University. Second series, Geology. 27: 57-A-31..
280243: Troelsen, J. C. (1954). Studies on Ceratobuliminidae (Foraminifera). Meddr dansk. geol. Foren. 12: 448-478..
280250: Thompson, M. L. (1954). American Wolfcampian fusulinids. The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions: Protozoa. 5(14): 1-126..
280251: Thompson, M. L. (1942). New genera of Pennsylvanian fusulinids. American Journal of Science. 240(6): 403-420..
280252: De Stefani, T. (1952). Alcune nuove Alveoline e Flosculine. Plina, Palermo. 3(5)[1950-1951]: 7 pp..
280253: De Stefani, T. (1952). Su alcune manifestazioni di idrocarburi in provincia di Palermo e descrizione di Foraminiferi nuovi. Plina, Palermo. 3(4)[1950-1951]: 12 pp..
280263: Strickland, H. E. (1846). On two species of microscopic shells found in the Lias. The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London. 2: 30-31..
280422: Asano, K. (1953). Miocene foraminifera from the Honya shale, Joban coal-field. Transaction and Proceedings, Palaeontological Society of Japan, new series. 11: 55-59..
280476: Reitlinger, E. A. (1950). ???????????? ????????????????????? ????????? ??????????? ????? ??????? ????????? (???????? ???. Fusulinid??) - Foraminifera of the Middle Carboniferous deposits of the central part of the Russian Platform (exclusive of family Fusulinidae). ???????? ???? ???? ????? ???-Academy of Sciences USSR Proceedings Insitute of Geological Sciences. 126: 1-128..
280492: Lipina, O. A. (1948). ????????????? ??????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????? ????????????? ????????-The Textulariids of the late Lower Carboniferous of the Southern wing of the Moscow basin //???????????? ???????????? ????? ??????????? ????? ????????????? ??????? ???????-Foraminifera of the Chernyshino series of the Tournaisian stage of the Lower Carboniferous near Moscow. ???????? ???? ???? ???.
280505: Rauzer-Chernousova, D. M. et al. (1948). ???????????? ? ???????????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????????? ? ?????????-Stratigraphy and Foraminifera of the Lower Carboniferous of the Russian Platform and Cis-Ural. ???????? ???? ???? ????? ???-Akademya Nauk SSSR Trudy Instituta Geologicheskikh Nauk. v. 62, ser. geol. no. 19: 1-260..
280519: Vissarionova, A. I. (1948). In: ???????????? ? ???????????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????????? ? ?????????-Stratigraphy and Foraminifera of the Lower Carboniferous of the Russian Platform and Cis-Ural. ???????? ???? ???? ????? ???-Akademya Nauk SSSR Trudy Instituta Geologicheskikh Nauk. v. 62, ser. geol. no. 19..
280529: Chernysheva, N. E. (1948). ????????? ????? ???? ??????????? ?? ?????????? ????? ???????????? ?????? (????? ????) - Some new species of foraminifera from the Visean stage of the Makarov district (South Ural). In: ???????????? ? ???????????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????????? ? ?????????-Stratigraphy and Foraminifera of the Lower Carboniferous of the Russian Platform and Cis-Ural. ???????? ???? ???? .
280553: Rauzer-Chernousova, D. M.; Gryzlova, N. D.; Kireeva, G. D.; Leontovich, G. E.; Safonova, T. P.; Chernova, E. I. (1951). ????????????????????? ?????????? ??????? ????????? ? ???????????? ????????-Middle Carboniferous fusulinids of the Russian Platform and Neighboring Regions. ???????? ???? ????-Academy of Sciences USSR. 380 p..
280612: Ireland, H. A. (1956). Upper Pennsylvanian Arenaceous Foraminifera from Kansas. Journal of Paleontology. 30(4): 831-864..
280622: Cummings, R. H. (1956). Revision of the Upper Palaeozoic Textulariid Foraminifera. Micropaleontology. 2(3): 201-242..
280640: Bartenstein, H. (1954). Revision von Berthelin's Mémoire 1880 über die Alb Foraminiferen von Montcley. Senckenbergiana Lethaea. 35(1-2): 37-50..
280641: Emiliani, C. (1954). The Oligocene microfaunas of the central part of the northern Apennines. Paleontographia Italica. 48: 1-184..
280642: Małecki, J. (1954). Flabellamminopsis. Nowy rodzaj otwornic aglutynujzcych z doggeru okolic Czestochowy-Flabellamminopsis. New genus of agglutinated foraminifera from the Dogger in the vicinity of Cz?stochowa. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae Polish Geological Society. 22(2)[1952]: 101-122..
280690: Pokorný, V. (1951). The Middle Devonian foraminifera of ?elechovice, Czechoslovakia. Ve?stni?k Kra?lovske? c?eske? spolec?nosti na?uk. Tr?i?da mathematicko-pr?i?rodove?decka?. 9[1953]: 1-29..
280697: Małecki, J. (1954). O nowych rodzajach otwornic aglutynujzcych z polskiego miocenu - New genera of agglutinated foraminifera from the Polish Miocene. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae Polish Geological Society. 22(4): 497-513..
280835: Bandy, O. L.; Arnal, R. E. (1957). Some new Tertiary and Recent foraminifera from California and the eastern Pacific Ocean. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 8(2): 54-58..
280837: Rauzer-Chernousova, D. M. (1948). ????????? ? ????? ??????????? ??????????????? ????????? ???????????? ??????????-Contributions to the foraminiferal fauna of the Carboniferous deposits of central Kazakhstan. ???????? ???? ???? ????? ???-Academy of Sciences USSR Proceedings Insitute of Geological Sciences. v. 66, ser. geol. no. 21: 1-28..
280941: Kanmera, K. (1954). Fusulinids from the Yayamadake limestone of the Hikawa valley, Kumamoto Prefecture Kyushu, Japan, Part.1 - Fusulinids of the upper Middle Carboniferous. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography. 25(1-2): 117-144..
281014: Smout, A. H. (1956). Three new Cretaceous genera of foraminifera related to the Ceratobuliminidae. Micropaleontology. 2(4): 335-345..
281015: Vaší?ek, M. (1947). Poznámky k mikrobiostratigrafii magurského flyše na Moravû-Remarks on the microbiostratigraphy of the Magura flysch in Moravia. V?stnik Státního Geologického Ústavu ?eskoslovenské Republiky. 22: 235-256..
281031: Wick, W. (1939). Versuch einer biostratigraphischen Gliederung des jüngeren Tertiärs aufgrund von Foraminiferen. Jahrbuch der Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt zu Berlin. 59 [1938] pt. A: 476-512..
281134: Hofker, J. (1956). Die Pseudotextularia-Zone der Bohrung Maasbüll I und ihre Foraminiferen-Fauna. Paläontologische Zeitschrift. 30: 59-79..
281195: Cummings, R. H. (1955). Nodosinella Brady, 1876, and associated Upper Palaeozoic genera [Part 1 of Upper Paleozoic smaller foraminifera]. Micropaleontology. 1(39): 221-238..
281204: Harlton, B. H. (1927). Some Pennsylvanian Foraminifera of the Glenn Formation of Southern Oklahoma. Journal of Paleontology. 1(1): 15-27..
281237: Grozdilova, L. P.; Lebedeva, N. S. (1960). ???????????? ??????????????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ????? ? ??????-Foraminifera from the carboniferous deposits of the western slope of the Urals and Timan. Proceedings of the Oil Research Geological Institute (??????-VNIGRI). 150: 1-264..
281253: Haynes, J. (1958). Certain smaller British Paleocene foraminifera. Part III. Polymorphinidae. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 9(1): 4-16..
281254: Haque, A. F. M. M. (1956). The smaller Foraminifera of the Ranikot and the Laki of the Nammal Gorge, Salt Range. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Pakistan. 1: 1-293..
281262: Said, R.; Barakat, M. G. (1958). Jurassic microfossils from Gebel Maghara, Sinai, Egypt. Micropaleontology. 4(3): 231-272..
281367: Tappan, H. (1957). New Cretaceous index Foraminifera from northern Alaska. Bulletin United States National Museum. 215: 201-222..
281368: Petters, V.; Sarmiento , S. R. (1956). Oligocene and Lower Miocene Biostratigraphy of the Carmen-Zambraon [Zambrano] Area, Colombia. Micropaleontology. 2(1): 7-35..
281465: McLean, J. D. (1956). The Foraminifera of the Yorktown Formation in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia, with Notes on the Associated Mollusks. Bulletin of American paleontology. 36(160): 255-394..
281519: Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1957). Planktonic foraminifera of Paleocene and early Eocene Age from the Gulf and Atlantic coastal plains. Bulletin United States National Museum. 215: 173-198..
281521: Bolli, H. M.; Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1957). Planktonic foraminiferal families Hantkeninidae, Orbulinidae, Globorotaliidae and Globotruncanidae. Bulletin United States National Museum. 215: 3-50..
281524: Beckmann, J. P. (1957). Chiloguembelina Loeblich and Tappan and related Foraminifera from the Lower Tertiary of Trinidad, B.W.I. Bulletin United States National Museum. 215: 83-95..
281625: Bolli, H. M. (1957). Planktonic Foraminifera from the Eocene Naver and San Fernando formations of Trinidad, B.W.I. Bulletin United States National Museum. 215: 155-172..
281628: Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1957). Woodringina, a new foraminiferal genus (Heterohelicidae) from the Paleocene of Alabama. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 47: 39-40..
281635: Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1957). Eleven New Genera of Foraminifera. Bulletin United States National Museum. 215: 223-232..
281651: Todd, R. (1970). Smaller Foraminifera of Late Eocene Age from Eua, Tonga. The United States Geological Survey Professional Paper. 640-A: 1-17..
281670: Reyment, R. A. (1959). The Foraminiferal Genera Afrobolivina gen. nov. and Bolivina in the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary of West Africa. Stockholm contributions in geology. 3(1): 1-57..
281710: Stewart, W. J. (1958). Some fusulinids from the upper Strawn, Pennsylvanian, of Texas. Journal of Paleontology. 32(6): 1051-1070..
282882: Barnard, T. (1972). Aberrant genera of foraminifera from the Mesozoic (Sub-family Ramulininae Brady 1884). Revista Española de Micropaleontología. 4(3): 387-402..
283094: Quilty, P. G. (1984). Cretaceous foraminiferids from Exmouth Plateau and Kerguelen Ridge, Indian Ocean. Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology. 8(3): 225-241..
283106: Perelis, L.; Reiss, Z. (1975). Cibicididae in Recent sediments from the Gulf of Eilat. Israel Journal of Earth Sciences. 24: 73-96..
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284473: Keller, B. M. (1935). ?????????? ???????? ???? ??????????-???????? ??????? ? ????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????? - Microfauna of the Upper Cretaceous in the Dnjepr-Donets valley and some other adjoining regions. ????????? ??????????? ???????? ??????????? ???????-Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes de Moscou. 43 [sec. geol. 13](4): 522-558..
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284575: Smith, C. C.; Pessagno, E. A. (1973). Planktonic foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Corsicana formation (Maestrichtian) North-central Texas. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication. 12: 1-67..
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284593: Sigal, J. (1952). Aperçu stratigraphique sur la micropaléontologie du Crétacé. Monographies Régionales, Algérie. 1(26): 3-43..
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284596: Longoria, J. F. (1974). Stratigraphic, morphologic and taxonomic studies of Aptian planktonic foraminifera. Revista Española de Micropaleontología, Numero Extraordinario. 5-107..
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284641: El-Naggar, Z. R. (1966). Stratigraphy and planktonic foraminifera of the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary succession in the Esna-Idfu region, Nile Valley, Egypt, U. A. R. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology, supplement. supplement 2: 1-291..
284642: Nakkady, S. E.; Osman, A. (1954). The genus Globotruncana in Egypt, taxonomy and stratigraphical value. 19th International Geological Congress, C.R., Algiers [1952]. 79-95..
284674: Kasimova, G. K.; Aliyeva, D. G. (1984). Planktonic foraminifera of the Middle Jurassic deposits of Azerbaidzhan. In: Alizade, K.A. (Editor), ??????? ????????????? ? ???????????? ???????????? - Questions in the paleontology and stratigraphy of Azerbaidzhan. Elm Akad Nauk AzerbaidzhanSSR, Inst. Geol. im I.M. Gubkina, Baku. 8-14..
284782: Michael, F. Y. (1973). Planktonic foraminifera from the Comanchean Series (Cretaceous) of Texas. The Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 2(4)[1973]: 200-220..
284796: Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1961). Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera: Part I. Cenomanian. Micropaleontology. 7(3): 257-304..
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284836: Marianos, A. W.; Zingula, R. P. (1966). Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers from Dry Creek, Tehama County, California. Journal of Paleontology. 40: 328-343..
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284864: Scheibnerová, V. (1963). Some new Foraminifera from the Middle Turonian of the Klippen Belt of West Carpathians in Slovakia. Geologica Carpathica, Geologický sborník. 14: 139-143..
284865: Scheibnerová, V. (1963). Some new informations on the Cretaceous of the Klippen Belt of West Carpathians. Geologica Carpathica, Geologický sborník. 14: 221-2168..
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284879: Barr, F. T. (1972). Cretaceous biostratigraphy and planktonic foraminifera of Libya. Micropaleontology. 18(1): 1-46..
284881: Sigal, J. (1966). Contribution à une monographie des Rosalines. I. Le genre Ticinella Reichel, souche des Rotalipores. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 59: 185-217..
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284894: Douglas, R. G.; Rankin, C. (1969). Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from Bornholm and their zoogeographic significance. Lethaia. 2: 185-217..
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284933: Brotzen, F. (1934). Foraminiferen aus dem Senon Palästinas. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins. 57(1): 28-72..
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284936: Martirosyan, Y. A. (1970). ???????????? ????????????? ? ????????????????? ????????? ???-???????? ????? ????????? ??? - Foraminifers of the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleogene deposits of the southwestern part of the Armenian SSR. Akad Nauk Armyansk SSR. 1-79..
284939: Lamolda, M. A. (1977). Three New Species of Planktonic Foraminifera from the Turonian of Northern Spain. Micropaleontology. 23(4): 470..
284941: Abdel-Kireem, M. R.; Abdou, H. F. (1979). Upper Cretaceous-lower Tertiary planktonic foraminifera from South Galala Plateau, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Revista Española de Micropaleontología. 11(2): 175-222..
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284944: Martin, L. (1964). Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary foraminifera from Fresno County, California. Jahrbuch Austria Geol. Bundesanstalt, special volume. 9: 1-128..
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284995: Davidzon, R.; Morozova, V. (1964). ??????????? ? ????????? ??????????? ???????????? ????????? ????? (????????) ?????????? ????????? - Planktonic and benthonic calcareous foraminifers of the Bukhara Beds (Paleocene) of the Tadzhik depression. ?????????????????? ?????? - Paleontological Journal. 3: 23-29..
285000: Subbotina, N. N. (1947). ???????????? ??????? ? ???????????? ????????? ????????? ??????? - Danian and Paleogene foraminifera of the northern Caucasus. VNIGRI, Microfauna of the oilfields of the Caucasus, Emba, and Central Asia. 39-160..
285001: Bykova, N. K. (1953). ???????????? ?????????? ????? ?????????? ????????? - Foraminifera of the Suzakian Stage of the Tajik depression. ?????????? CCCR, Microfauna of the USSR, Proceedings of the Oil Research Geological Institute (??????-VNIGRI). 69(6): 3-114..
285002: Bykova, N. K. (1953). ????????? ? ????????????? ??????????? ?????????? ????? ????????? ?????????? ?????? - Material on the paleoecology of Paleogene Suzakian foraminifera from the Fergana Valley. Proceedings of the Oil Research Geological Institute (??????-VNIGRI). 73: 207-296..
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285013: Bykova, N. K. (1947). ????????? ? ???????? ????? ??????????? ???????? ????????? ??????? - Material for studying the Cenomanian foraminiferal fauna of the Bukhara region. ?????????? ???????? ????????????? ???????, ???? ? ??????? ???? - Microfauna of oil deposits of Caucasus, Emba and Central Asia. 222-238..
285022: Parr, W. J. (1938). Upper Eocene Foraminifera from Deep Borings in King's Park, Perth, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. 24: 69-101..
285025: Gohrbandt, K. (1962). Die Kleinforaminiferenfauna des obereozänen Anteils der Reingruber Serie bei Bruderndorf (Bezirk Korneuburg, Niederösterreich). Mitteilungen der Geologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 54[1961]: 55-145..
285030: Hagn, H. (1956). Geologische und Paläontologische Untersuchungen im Tertiär des Monte Brione und seiner Umgebung (Gardasee, Ober-Italien). Palaeontographica. Abt. A, 107(3-6): 67-210..
285041: Samuel, O. (1972). Planktonic Foraminifera from the Eocene in the Bakony mountains (Hungary). Zborník geologických vied, séria Západné Karpaty. 17: 165-206..
285044: Colom, G. (1954). Estudio de las biozonas con foraminíferos del Terciario de Alicante. Boletín del Instituto Geológico y Minero de España. 66: 1-279..
285063: Weinzierl, L. L.; Applin, E. R. (1929). The Claiborne Formation on the Coastal Domes. Journal of Paleontology. 3(4): 384-410..
285066: Morozova, V. G. (1961). ??????-???????? ??????????? ???????????? ??? ???? - Danian-Montian Planktonic Foraminifera of the Southern USSR. ?????????????????? ?????? - Paleontological Journal. 2: 8-19..
285068: Myatlyuk, E. V. (1950). Stratigraphy of the flysch seditments of the Northern Carpathian Mountains in the light of the foraminiferal fauna. CCCR, Microfauna of the USSR, Proceedings of the Oil Research Geological Institute (VNIGRI). 4(51): 225-287..
285072: Cita, M. B.; Premoli, Silva, I.; Rossi, R. C. (1965). Foraminiferi planctonici del Tortoniano-tipo. Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia. 71: 271-308..
285073: Smith, B. Y. (1957). Lower Tertiary foraminifera from Contra Costa county, California. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences. 32(3): 127-242..
285076: Fleisher, R. (1974). Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminifera and Biostratigraphy, Arabian Sea Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 23A. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 23. 1001-1072..
285082: Linton, E. (1910). Helminth fauna of the Dry Tortugas. II. Trematodes. Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute of Washington. 4: 11–98..
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285091: Asano, K. (1962). Japanese Paleogene from the View-point of Foraminifera with Descriptions of Several New Species. Contributions from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology Tohoku University. 57: 1-33..
285122: Bogdanovich, A. K. (1963). ????? ????????????? ??????????? ? ???????????? ??????? ?? ????????? ????????? ????????? ??????? ? ????? - New representatives of foraminifera with a chalcedony wall from the Tertiary deposits of the northern Caucasus and Crimea. ???????? ???? ???? ??????? ?????????????????? - Academy of Sciences USSR Questions of Micropaleontology. 7: 150-157..
285129: Lozo, F. E. (1944). Biostratigraphic Relations of Some North Texas Trinity and Fredericksburg (Comanchean) Foraminifera. American Midland Naturalist. 31(3): 513-582..
285133: Nauss, A. W. (1947). Cretaceous microfossils of the Vermilion area, Alberta. Journal of Paleontology. 21: 329-343..
285134: Seiglie, G. A.; Baker, M. B. (1987). Ammoanita rosea new genus and new species of deep-water Trochamminidae, Foraminiferida. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 100(3): 490-493..
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286059: Bykova, E. V. (1952). ???????????? ?????? ??????? ????????? ? ????????? - Devonian Foraminifera of the Russian Platform and Cis-Ural. ?????????? CCCR, Microfauna of the USSR, Proceedings of the Oil Research Geological Institute (??????-VNIGRI). 5: 5-64..
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286264: Bogdanovich, A. K. (1958). ???????????????? ???????? Quinqueloculina konkensis ?? ???????? ????????? ???????????? ? ??????????? ? ????????????????? ???? Adelosina Orb. - Ontogenetic development of Quinqueloculina konkensis from the Konkian sediments of Ciscaucasia and considerations of the validity of the genus Adelosina Orb. ???????? ???? ???? ??????? ?????????????????? - Academy of Sciences USSR.
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286267: Orlova, I. N. (1958). ???????????? ??????????? ????????? ?????? ??????????? ?????????? - Foraminifers of the coal-bearing horizon in the region of the Saratov fault. ???????? ???? ???? ??????? ?????????????????? - Academy of Sciences USSR Questions of Micropaleontology. 2: 124-129..
286348: Morozova, V. G.; Kozhevnikova, G. E.; Kuryleva, A. M. (1967). ??????-???????????? ??????????????? ????????? ?????-???? ? ?????? ?? ?????????? ?? ????????????? - Danian-Paleocene heterofacial deposits of Kopet-Dag and methods of their correlation according to foraminifers. ????? ??? - Transactions of the Geological Institute (Academy of Sciences USSR). 157: 1-212..
286350: Frentzen, K. (1944). Die agglutinierenden Foraminiferen der Birmensdorfer Schichten (Transversarius-Zone in Schwammfazies) des Gebietes um Blumberg in Baden. Paläontologische Zeitschrift. 23(3-4): 317-343..
286351: Plummer, H. J. (1938). Adhaerentia, a New Foraminiferal Genus. American Midland Naturalist. 19(1): 242-244..
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286356: Maync, W. (1952). Critical taxonomic study and nomenclatural revision of the family Lituolidae based upon the prototype of the family, Lituola nautiloidea Lamarck, 1804. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 3: 35-53..
286363: Hamaoui, M.; Saint-Marc, P. (1970). Microfaunes et microfaciès du Cénomanien du Proche-Orient. Bulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf Aquitaine. 4: 257-352..
286365: Omara, S. (1956). New Foraminifera from the Cenomanian of Sinai, Egypt. Journal of Paleontology. 30(4): 883-890..
286366: Darmoian, S. A. (1976). Nezzazatinella adhami a new genus and species of imperforate Foraminifera from the Pre-Coniacian of Southeastern Iraq. Maritime Sediments Spec. Pub. 1 (First Int. Symp. on Benthonic Foraminifera of Continental Margins). 523-528..
286369: Frizzell, D. L., & Schwartz, E. (1950). A new lituolid foraminiferal genus from the Cretaceous, withan emendation of Cribrostomoides Cushman. Bulletin of the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. 76: 1-12..
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286376: Hofker, J. (1952). Recent Peneroplidae. Part III. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 71(4)[1951]: 450-463..
286380: Guši?, I. (1977). A new foraminiferal family, Biokovinidae, from the Jurassic of the Dinarides and its phylogenetic relationships. Palaeont. Jugoslavica. 18: 7-31..
286384: Bernier, P.; Neumann, M. (1970). Alzonella cuvillieri n. gen., n. sp., nouveau genre de Foraminifère du Bathonien de la bordure méridionaledes Cévennes. Revue de Micropaléontologie. 13(1): 3-12..
286392: Bogdanovich, A. K. (1950). ?????????? ???????????? ????????? ???????????? - Chokrakian foraminifera of western Ciscaucasia. ?????????? ???? - Mikrofauna SSSR, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologorazvedochnogo Instituta VNIGRI. 4(51): 129-176..
286393: Pishvanova, L. S. (1950). ????? ?????? ? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ???????????????? ????????? ???????????? ??????? ???????? ??????? - New data on the microfauna of the Tissen series of the Middle Miocene sediments from the Transcarpathian region of Western Ukraine. ?????????? CCCR, Microfauna of the USSR, Proceedings of the Oil Research Geological Institute (??????-VNIGRI). 4(51): 289-298..
286405: Hottinger, L.; Caus, E. (1982). Marginoporiform structure in Ilerdorbis decussatus n.gen n.sp., a Senonian, agglutinated, discoidal foraminifer. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 75(3): 807-819..
286416: Hottinger, L. (1967). Foraminifères imperforés du Mézosoique marocain. Notes du Service Géologique du Maroc. 209: 1-168..
286418: Bykova, N. K. (1939). ???????????? ????????????? ? ???????????? ????????? ?????????? ?????? - Foraminifera from the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits of Ferghana. ??. ???? - Trudy Neftyanogo Geologo-Razvedochnogo Instituta. ser. A, 121: 3–39..
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286455: Aubert, J.; Coustau, D.; Gendrot, C. (1963). Montsechiana nov. gen., un nouveau genre de foraminifère du Crétacé supérieur à faciès récifal de l'Espagne et des Martigues (France). Revue de Micropaléontologie. 6: 169-174..
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286465: Didkovskiy, V. Y. (1957). ? ????? ????????????? ????????? Miliolidae- Tortonella bondartschuki gen. et sp. nov. ?? ?????????? ????????? ???? - About a new representative of the family Miliolidae-Tortonella bondartschuki gen. et sp. nov. from the Tortonian deposits of the Ukrainian SSR. ??? ???? - Reports of the Academy of Sciences USSR. 113(5): 1137-1139..
286485: Suleymanov, I. S. (1945). ????? ???? ?????? ??????????? ?? ??????????? ????? ????????????? ?????? - New species of small foraminifera from the Tournaisian stage of Ishimbayevsky district. ??? ???? - Reports of the Academy of Sciences USSR. 48(2): 130-134..
286496: Suleymanov, I. S. (1971). ????? ????????????? ???? Guembelitriella Tappan, 1940 ?? ????????? ??????? ???? - A new representative of the genus Guembelitriella Tappan, 1940 from the Paleogene of Central Asia. ??????? ???????? ???? ????????? ??? - Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR. 6: 54-55..
286498: Shchedrina, Z. G. (1955). ??? ????? ???? ??????????? ?? ????????? Trochamminidae (Foraminifera) - Two new genera of foraminifera of the family Trochamminidae (Foraminifera). ????? ?????????????? ????????? (????? ???) - Proceedings of the Zoological Institute. 18 : 5-9..
286544: Suleymanov, I. S. (1958). ????? ??? ? ??? ????? ???? ?? ????????? Verneuilinidae - New genus and two new species of the family Verneuilinidae. ??????? ???????? ???? ????????? ??? - Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR. 12: 19-21..
286548: Morozova, V. G. (1940). ? ???????????? ???????? ???? ? ????????? ????????? ??????? ?? ????? ??????????? - About the stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene of the Emba region accrding to fauna of foraminifera. ????????? ??????????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? - Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes de Moscou. 17(4-5)[1939]: 59-87..
286559: Munier-Chalmas, E. (1887). Sur la Cyclolina et trois nouveaux genres de foraminifères des couches à rudistes: Cyclopsina, Dicyclina et Spirocyclina. Compte Rendu des Séances de la Société géologique de France. 4(7): 30-31..
286593: Plummer, H. J. (1932). Ammobaculoides, A New Foraminiferal Genus. American Midland Naturalist. 13(2): 86-88..
286771: Puri, H. S. (1957). Stratigraphy and zonation of the Ocala group. Florida State Geological Survey bulletin. 38: 1-247..
286784: Kristan, E. (1957). Ophthalmidiidae und Tetrataxinae (Foraminifera) aus dem Rhät der Hohen Wand in Nieder-Österreich. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. 100: 269-298..
286786: Marie, P. (1938). Sur quelques foraminifères nouveaux ou peu connus du Crétacé du Bassin de Paris. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, cinquième série. 8: 91-104..
286788: Plummer, H. J. (1931). Gaudryinella, a New Foraminiferal Genus. American Midland Naturalist. 12(9): 341-342..
286803: Carter, D. J.; Hart, M. B. (1977). Aspects of Mid-Cretaceous Stratigraphical Micropalaeontology. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History (Geology). 29: 1-136..
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286854: Shchedrina, Z. G. (1946). ????? ????? ??????????? ?? ????????? ?????????? ?????? - New forms of foraminifera from the Arctic Ocean. ?? . ?????????? ?????????? ?????????????? ?? ??????????? ???????? « ? . ????? », 1937- 1938 ?? -. 3: 139-148..
286861: Gudina, V. I. (1966). ???????????? ? ???????????? ???????????? ????????? ??????-?????? ?????? - Foraminifera and stratigraphy of quaternary deposits of the North-West of Siberia. ????? - Moscow: Izdat. “Nauka”. 1-131..
286866: Yakovlev, V. (1891). ???????? ?????????? ????? ??????? ??????????? - Description of several species of Cretaceous foraminifera. ??. ?????????. ???. ?????. ????. - Travaux de la Société des naturalistes à l'Université Impériale de Kharkov. 24[1890]: 341-364..
286895: Miklukho-Maklay, A. D. (1955). ????? ?????? ? ???????? ??????????? ????? ??????? ???? - New data on the Permian fusulinids from the southern regions of the USSR. ??????? ???????? ???? ???? - Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 105(3): 573-576..
286947: Miklukho-Maklay, A. D. (1957). ????????? ?????????? ????? ????? - Some fusulinids from Permian Crimea. ?????? ??????? ???, ???. ????????. ???? - Scientific notes of Leningrad State University, Ser. geological. science. 225(9): 93-159..
286949: Miklukho-Maklay, A. D. (1949). ?????????????????? ?????????? ??????? ???? - Upper Paleozoic fusulinids from Central Asia. Leningrad. 3-127..
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286961: Mamontova, E. V. (1957). ???????????? ???????? ????????? ?? ???????? ?????? ???????? ??????? (??????-????) - Foraminifera from Toarcian deposits on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus (Kuban-Laba). ?????? ??????? ???, ???. ????????. ???? - Scientific notes of Leningrad State University, Ser. geological. science. 225(9): 160-213..
286962: Miklukho-Maklay, A. D. (1957). ????? ?????? ? ??????????? ? ????????? ?????????? - New data about the taxonomy and phylogeny of the Archaediscidae. ??????? ???, ???. ????. ? ?????. - Bulletin of Leningrad State University, ser. geol. and geogr. 24(4): 34-46..
286972: Minakova, N. E. (1953). ???????????? ???????????? ????????? ??????? ? ??????????????? ?????? - Foraminifera from Paleogene deposits of Ferghana and Pritashkent region. ?? ?????. ??-? ???????? - Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR Geological Institute. 7(2): 3-37..
286973: Mamontova, E. V. (1956). ???????????? ???????? ?????? ??????-????????? ??????? - Foraminifera of the Upper Lias from the north-western Caucasus. ??????? ???, ???. ????. ? ?????. - Bulletin of Leningrad State University, ser. geol. and geogr. 12(2): 20-39..
286989: Henson, F. R. S. (1948). New Trochamminidæ and Verneuilinidæ from the Middle East. Journal of Natural History Series 11. 14(117)[1947]: 605-630..
287072: Danilova, A. (1963). Neoiraqia convexa, nav foraminifer iz cenomanturona Kosova polja - Neoiraqia convexa, a new foraminifer from the Cenomanian-Turonian of Kosovo Polje. Vesnik. Zavada za Geoloska i Geofizika Istra ivanja, Nr. Srbije,. Beograd. ser. a, 20[1962]: 223-226..
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287197: Subbotina, N. N. (1936). ? ??????? ??????????? ? ??????? ??????? ?? ???????? ??????? - Some foraminifera discovered in upper Maykop series of the North Caucasus. ????? ????????? ???????-????????????????? ?????????. ????? ? - Proceedings of the Oil Exploration Institute. Series B. 60: 1-15..
287211: Bogush, O. I.; Yuferev, O. V. (1962). ???????????? ? ???????????? ??????????????? ????????? ??????? ? ?????????? ?????? - Foraminifera and stratigraphy of Karatau and Talas Alatau Carboniferous deposits. ???-?? ?? ???? - Izdat. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moskva. 1-234..
287236: Fursenko, A. V. (1979). ???????????? ??????????????? ????? ???? - Foraminifera of the Far Eastern seas of the USSR. ??. ???? ?? ?? ???? - Proceedings of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Filiale of the Academy of sciences USSR. 87: 1-398..
287341: Putrya, F. S.; Leontovich, G. E. (1948). ? ???????? ????????????????????? ????????? ???????????? ???????? - To the study of Middle Carboniferous fusulinids from the Saratov Volga region. ????????? ??????????? ???????? ??????????? ???????, ???. ???? - Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes de Moscou, Geology. 23(4): 11-45..
287346: Brenckle, P. L. (1973). Smaller Missippian and Lower Pennsylvanian calcareous Foraminifers from Nevada. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication. 11: 1-82..
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287368: Dutkevich, G. A. (1934). ????? ???? ????????? ?? ???????? ? ???????? ??????? ??????-????????? ???????? (???????? ????? ???????? ?????) - New species of fusulinids from the upper and middle Carboniferous of the Upper Chusov Towns (Western slope of the Middle Urals). ????? ????????? ???????-???????????? ?????????. ????? ? - Proceedings of the Oil Exploration Institute. Series A. 34: 3-98..
287374: Dulub, V. G. (1972). ???????????? ???????????? ? ???????????? ????????? ??????-?????????? ??????? ??????? ????????? ? ??????????????? ??????? - Foraminifera from Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Volhyno-Podolia margin of the Russian Platform and the Precarpathian Trough. ??. ????????. 27: 5-55..
287375: Pishvanova, L. S. (1972). ???????????? ?????????????????? ? ?????????? ????????? ???????? ???????? ???? - Foraminifera from the Upper Oligocene and Miocene deposits of the western regions of the USSR. ??. ????????. 27: 205-282..
287388: Lipina, O. A. (1955). ???????????? ??????????? ????? ? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????-????????? ??????? ? ????????? ?????? ???????? ????? - The foraminifera of the Tournaisian stage and the upper part of the Devonian of the Volga-Ural region and the western slope of the middle Urals. ????? ??? ?? ???? - Reports Geological Institute Academy of sciences USSR. 163(70): 1-96..
287401: Manukalova, M. F. (1948). Фораминиферы каменноугольных отложений Баклановской скважины No 2, Семичного района Большого Донбасса - Foraminifera from Carboniferous deposits of Baklanovskaya well No.2, Semichny district of the Great Donbass. Тр. Геол.-исслед. бюро Главуглеразведки. 3: 47-63..
287402: Kireeva, G. D. (1949). ????????? ????? ???? ????????? ?? ??????????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????? ???????? - Some new species of fusulinids from the Carboniferous limestones of the central regions of Donbass. I??. ????.-??????. ???? ????????????????. 6:25-54..
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287596: Toriyama, R.; Kanmera, K. (1968). Fusulinacean fossils from Thailand, Part 2. Two new Permian genera from Thailand. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. 4: 29-44..
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352165: Toriyama, R. (1945). The fusulinids in the limestone conglomerates of Inomine in the Province of Tosa. Studies on the Yasuba conglomerates and its allies in the Titibu group in the island of Shikoku 3. ?????????? - Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography. 20(1): 1-11..
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352255: Frenzel, H.; Mundorff, M. (1942). Fusulinidae from the Phosphoria formation of Montana. Journal of Paleontology. 16(6): 675-684..
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353290: Schubert, R. J. (1915). Die Foraminiferen des jüngeren Paläozoikums von Timor. In Wanner, J., Paläontologien von Timor. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, Deutschland. 47-59..
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353299: Thompson, M. L.; Dodge, H. W.; Youngquist, W. L. (1958). Fusulinids from the Sublett Range, Idaho. Journal of Paleontology. 32: 113-125..
353555: Luperto Sinni, E. (1965). Nuovo genere di foraminifero del Senoniano delle Murge. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana. 4(02): 263-268..
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353617: Verville, G. J.; Sanderson, G. A. (1988). Early Atokan Fusulinids from the Lower Antler Overlap Sequence, Lander and Humboldt Counties, Nevada. Journal of Paleontology. 62, No. 4 (Jul., 1988), pp. 520-529..
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353658: Yamagiwa, N. (1956). Neoschwagerininae from the Shima Peninsula, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series. 23: 235-242..
353661: Zaninetti, L.; Brönnimann, P.; Baud, A. (1972). Microfaciès particuliers et Foraminifères nouveaux de l'Anisien supérieur de la coupe du Rothorn (Préalpes médianes rigides, Diemtigtal, Suisse). Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Geologische Bergbaustudien. 21: 465-498..
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353673: Thompson, M. L. (1953). Primitive Fusulinella from southern Missouri. Journal of Paleontology. 27(3) (May, 1953), pp. 321-327..
353902: Maloney, M. M.; R D Hoare and M T Sturgeon. (1988). Pennsylvanian Palaeotextulariid Foraminifera from the Appalachian Basin. Journal of Paleontology. 62: 724-730..
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353949: Matsumaru, K. (1966) Fusulinids from the Funafuseyama Limestone in Yamagata-gun, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, (64): 338?350.
353954: Lloyd, A.J., (1963). Fusulinids from the Zinnar Formation (Lower Permian) of Northern Iraq. Journal of Paleontology 37 (4), 889–899..
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353964: Lörenthey, I. (1913). Bermerkung zu der alttertiären Foraminiferenfauna Ungarns. Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. 26: 152-167..
354378: Kochansky-Devidé, V. (1960). Prilog poznavanju Fuzulinida zapadne Srbije (Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fusuliniden von Westserbien). Acta geol. 2. Prir. istrat. Jugosl. akad. znan. umjet. 29: 103-110..
354381: Kling, S. A. (1960). Permian Fusulinids from Guatemala. Journal of Paleontology. 34, No. 4 (Jul., 1960), pp. 637-655..
354398: Duszy?ska, S. (1959). Devonian foraminifers from Wydryszów (Holy Cross Mountains). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 04(1): 71-89..
354399: Isakova, T. N. (1979). New fusulinid species from the Gzhelian-Asselian boundary deposits of Mordovia. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal - Paleontological Journal. (3): 133-136..
354403: Igo, H. (1967). Some Permian fusulinids from Pahang, Malaya. In: Kobayashi, T. & Toriyama, R. (eds) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo. 3(33): 30-38..
354410: Pitakpaivan. K.. 1966. Fusulinids of the Rat Buri Limestone of Thailand: Contribution to the Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 2: 1-69.
354411: Rauzer-Chernousova, D. M.; Reitlinger, E. (1954). ???????????????????? ????????????? ??????????? ? ????????????????????? ?????????? ?????? ????? ???????????? ????????? - Biostratigraphic distribution of foraminifers in Middle Carboniferous deposits of southern flank of the Moscow Basin. ???????????? ???????????? ???? - Regional stratigraphy of the USSR. 2: 7-120..
354412: Sada, K. and Danner, W. R., (1973), Late Lower Carboniferous Eostaffella and Hexaphyllia from central Oregon, U.S.A. Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Japan, N. S., no. 91, pp. 151-160.
354435: Anosova, A. N.; Bensh, F. R.; Grozdilova L. P. et al. (1964). ??????? ??????????? ???? Schwagerina ? ??????? ? ???? ????? - Revision of the systematics of the genus Schwagerina and related genera. ???????? ???? ???? ??????? ??????????????????-Academy of Sciences USSR Questions of Micropaleontology. 8: 60-75..
354468: Fomina, E. V. (1960). ? ??????? ? ?????????????? ??????- ? ????????????? ?????????? ??????????? ? ????????? ??????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ????????????? ???????? - On the question of the confinement of the Upper and Lower Tula foraminiferal complexes to various carbonate facies of the Tula horizon of the Moscow Region basin. ???????? ???? ???? ??????? ??????????????????-Academy of Sciences.
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354475: Pronina, T. V. (1960). New parathuramminids from the Ordovician and Silurian of the Urals. ????? ???? ??????? ???????? ? ?????????????? ????, ????? 1 - New species of ancient plants and invertebrates of the USSR, part 1. 138-140..
354484: Shlykova, T. I. (1948). ?????????? ???????? ??????? ????????? ???? - Upper Carboniferous fusulinids of Samarskaya Luka. Trudy VNIGRI, new ser. 31: 109-146..
354485: Sada, K., 1964, Carboniferous and Lower Permian fusulines of the Atetsu Limestone in west Japan: Hiroshima Univ. Jour. Sci., ser. C, v. 4, no. 3, p. 225–269.
354488: Okimura, Y. (1972). Permo-Carboniferous endothyraceans from Japan; Part 1: Biseriamminidae. Transactions & Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan New Series. 87: 414-428..
354489: Sada, K. (1972). Fusulinids of the Profusulinella Zone of the Taishaku Limestone (Studies of the stratigraphy and the microfossil faunas of the Carboniferous and Permian Taishaku Limestone in West Japan, No. 2). Transactions & Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan New Series. 87: 436-445..
354491: Solovieva, M. N.; Krasheninnikov, V. A. (1965). ????????? ????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????????? ? ???????????? ???????? ??????? ??????????? ? ??????? ???????? - Some general features of the foraminiferal assemblages and Middle Carbon stratigraphy of the African and Russian platforms. ???????? ???? ???? ??????? ?????????????????? - Academy of Sciences USSR Questions of Micropaleontology. 9: 3-44.
354493: Bostwick, David A.; Nestell, Merlynd K. (1965) A new species of Polydiexodina from central Oregon: Jour. Paleontology, v. 39, no. 4, p. 611–614,.
354513: Dutkevich, G. A. 1967: New species of Yabeina from the Upper Permian of southeast Pamir. Paleontologicheskyi zhurnal(1): 12-21 (in Russian)..
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381123: Frizzell, D.L., 1943. Upper Cretaceous foraminifera from northwestern Peru. Journal of Paleontology, 17: 331-353..
381124: Fujita, Y.; Ito, S. (1957). A Study of the Foraminiferal Assemblages from the Miocene Formation, Date District, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan. 63(744): 497-513..
381125: Fukuta, O., 1962: Eocene foraminifera from the Kyoragi Beds in Shimo-shima, Amakusa Islands, Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan. Report of the Geological Survey of Japan, no. 194, p. 1–31..
381126: Garrett, J. B. 1939. Some middle Tertiary smaller foraminifera from subsurface beds of Jefferson County, Texas. Journal of Paleontology, 13, 575—579..
381127: Garrett, J. (1941). New Middle Eocene Foraminifera from Southern Alabama and Mississippi. Journal of Paleontology, 15(2), 153-156..
381128: Garrett, J. (1942). Some Miocene Foraminifera from Subsurface Strata of Coastal Texas. Journal of Paleontology, 16(4), 461-463..
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381132: Hada, Y. (1957). New Forms of the Foraminifera from the Northwest Pacific, I. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 6, Zoology > Vol. XIII, Nos. 1-4. 24-31..
381144: Bach, Hans, Hagenmeyer, Peter & Neuweiler, Fritz (1959) Neubeschreibung und Revision einiger Foraminiferenarten und-unterarten aus dem schwäbischen Lias. Geologisches Jahrbuch, 76, 1–443..
381152: Hao Yi - chun and Zeng Xue - lu , 1980 . Early Tertiary Foraminifera from the Kashi Basin of Xinjiang . Acta Palaeontologica Sinica , 19 ( 2 ) : 152 - 169..
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381187: Étallon, A. (1864). Classe des Polypes; Classe des Foraminifères. In: THURMANN, J. & ETALLON, A. 1864. Lethea Bruntrutana ou études paléontologiques et stratigraphiques sur les terrains jurassiques supérieurs du Jura bernois et en particulier des environs de Porrentruy. Denkschriften der allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die gesamten Naturwissenschaften. 20: 357–412; 413-416..
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381366: Papp, A. and Küpper, K. (1954). The genus Heterostegina in the Upper Tertiary of Europe. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 5(3): 108-127..
381368: Papp, A. (1963): Die biostratigraphische Gliederung des Neogens im Wiener Becken. Mitteilungen, der Geologischen Gesellschaft in Wien – 56: 225 - 317..
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381373: Perconig, E. (1968). Nuove specie di foraminiferi planctonici della Sezione di Carmona (Andalusia, Spagna). Committee Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy. 35(3): 219-232..
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381377: Petters, S. W. (1979). Paralic arenaceous foraminifera from the Upper Cretaceous of the Benue Trough, Nigeria. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 24 (4): 452-471..
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