Synonyms: |
Buccella umbonata (Reuss, 1851) | used in: HAYW2011 | | Eponides umbonatus (Reuss, 1860) | used in: HAYW2011 | | Oridorsalis umbonata (Reuss, 1851) | used in: HAYW2011 | | Pseudoeponides umbonatus (Reuss, 1851) | used in: HAYW2011 | | Pulvinulina umbonatus (Reuss, 1851) | used in: HAYW2011 | | Rotalia umbonatus Reuss, 1851 | used in: HAYW2011 | | |
Morphological Attributes:
Wallmaterial: hyaline Overall appearance: coiled spirally Coiling: trochospiral Chamberform: triangular to trapezoid Aperture Position: basal Aperture Form: slit, --, --, lip Sutures: --, curved, thickened Ornamentation: --, --, --, --
identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Patagonia and off Challenger Station 305 FEU-1005165
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Patagonia and off Challenger Station 308 FEU-1005773
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent unknown FEU-1013085
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent unknown FEU-1013092
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Gulf of Mexico Farnella Canyon FEU-1024948
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identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Gulf of Mexico Alaminos Canyon FEU-1024949
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Pleistocene off Biscaya and Iberia ODP Leg 149 Site 898 FEU-1008418
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Pleistocene off Biscaya and Iberia ODP Leg 149 Site 898 FEU-1008419
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Pleistocene Micronesia and Philippine Basin Fantangisña Seamount FEU-1024854
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent NACES MPA SO286 WA 52-39 FEU-1022048
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identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent off Biscaya and Iberia off Lagos FEU-1015471
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent off West Africa Mauritanian Slope FEU-1018805
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent off West Africa Mauritanian Slope FEU-1018806
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent off West Africa Mauritanian Slope FEU-1018807
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent off West Africa Mauritanian Slope FEU-1018808
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identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent NACES MPA SO286 WA 52-39 FEU-1023197
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent Azores SO286 Station 67 FEU-1023208
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent NACES MPA SO286 WA 52-39 FEU-1023227
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent NACES MPA SO286 WA 52-39 FEU-1023228
| | identified by M. Hesemann Neogene Pliocene Mediterranean Bologna FEU-1018571
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identified by M. Hesemann Neogene Miocene North European Plain Stade FEU-1001391
| | identified by M. Hesemann Neogene Miocene North European Plain Stade FEU-1001392
| | identified by M. Hesemann Neogene Miocene North European Plain Gross Pampau FEU-1008576
| | identified by M. Hesemann Paleogene Oligocene Rupelian North European Plain Bad Freienwalde FEU-1016914
| | identified by M. Hesemann Paleogene Oligocene Rupelian North European Plain Bad Freienwalde FEU-1016915
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