type specimen holotype Neogene Miocene unknown FEU-1021592
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent South of Iceland Reykjanes Ridge FEU-1006691
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Kerguelen and off Challenger Station 151 FEU-1003620
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Kerguelen and off Challenger Station 149 FEU-1003621
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent New Zealand and off Challenger Station 168 FEU-1003622
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identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent French Polynesia and off Challenger Station 279C FEU-1003623
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Kerguelen and off Challenger Station 149 FEU-1003624
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Banda, Timor and Arafura Sea Challenger Station 188to190 FEU-1003625
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Kerguelen and off Challenger Station 149 FEU-1003626
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Micronesia + Philippine Basin Challenger Station 217A FEU-1003627
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identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Great Australian Bight Challenger Station 160 FEU-1003628
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Micronesia + Philippine Basin Challenger Station 218 FEU-1003629
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent unknown FEU-1011248
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Banda, Timor and Arafura Sea Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea FEU-1019472
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Banda, Timor and Arafura Sea Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea FEU-1019473
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identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Mediterranean Sea Gulf of Naples FEU-1015734
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Mediterranean Sea Ischia FEU-1015735
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Mediterranean Sea Gulf of Naples FEU-1015736
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent Greater North Sea Masfjorden FEU-1025091
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent Caribbean Sea and Bahamas off Panama FEU-1011526
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identified by M. Hesemann Neogene Miocene North European Plain Twistringen FEU-1025150
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