identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Kerguelen and off Challenger Station 151 FEU-1003735
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Kerguelen and off Challenger Station 149 FEU-1003736
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Great Australian Bight Challenger Station 160 FEU-1003737
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Mediterranean Sea Ischia FEU-1016122
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Mediterranean Sea Ischia FEU-1016123
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identified by scientist Quaternary Mediterranean Sea Ischia FEU-1016124
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Mediterranean Sea Miscellaneous Localities FEU-1016125
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Mediterranean Sea Mazara del Vallo FEU-1016126
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Mediterranean Sea Mazara del Vallo FEU-1016127
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Mediterranean Sea Ischia FEU-1016128
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identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Mediterranean Sea Gulf of Naples FEU-1016129
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Mediterranean Sea Ischia FEU-1016130
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Mediterranean Sea Ischia FEU-1016131
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Mediterranean Sea Gulf of Naples FEU-1016132
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Mediterranean Sea Gulf of Naples FEU-1016133
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identified by scientist Quaternary Mediterranean Sea Ischia FEU-1016170
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Gulf of Mexico Alaminos Canyon FEU-1024954
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent Mediterranean Sea Marmara Sea FEU-1005541
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent NACES MPA SO286 WA 52-39 FEU-1021982
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent Azores SO286 Station 75 FEU-1023268
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identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent Azores SO286 Station 75 FEU-1023280
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent Greater North Sea Skagerrak offshore FEU-1025416
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