identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Maldives and off South West Indian Ocean FEU-1006394
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent off Brazil Challenger Station 120 FEU-1005645
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Tristan da Cunha and off Challenger Station 335 FEU-1005646
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent South of South Africa Challenger Station 146 FEU-1005647
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Banda, Timor and Arafura Sea Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea FEU-1021052
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identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Banda, Timor and Arafura Sea Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea FEU-1021053
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent unknown FEU-1013130
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent unknown FEU-1013131
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Holocene recent Gulf of Mexico Alaminos Canyon FEU-1024924
| | identified by scientist Quaternary Pleistocene Micronesia and Philippine Basin Fantangisña Seamount FEU-1024855
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identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent off West Africa Mauritanian Slope FEU-1019188
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent off West Africa Mauritanian Slope FEU-1019189
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent off West Africa Mauritanian Slope FEU-1019190
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent NACES MPA SO286 WA 52-39 FEU-1021823
| | identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Holocene recent NACES MPA SO286 WA 52-39 FEU-1021824
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identified by M. Hesemann Quaternary Pleistocene central North Pacific off Kiribati FEU-1010192
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