Gyroidina altiformis Stewart & Stewart, 1930
Class: Rotaliata  Subclass: Rotaliana  Order: Rotaliida  Family: Gavelinellidae
found at  Su Luttone
(Giara di Gesturi, Sardinia)
   Mediterranean   Italy
Geological Time: Neogene  Miocene  Langhian
Fangario Clays Formation
the specimen is found and photographed by Dr.
View of a specimen of Gyroidina altiformis Stewart & Stewart, 1930
The identification is based upon:
 , : Stewart, R. E.; Stewart, K. C. (1930). Post-Miocene foraminifera from the Ventura Quadrangle, Ventura County, California; twelve new species and varieties from the Pliocene. Journal of Paleontology. 4(1): 60-72.    Plate , Fig. 
dataset number: FEU-1026297
, : Stewart, R. E.; Stewart, K. C. (1930). Post-Miocene foraminifera from the Ventura Quadrangle, Ventura County, California; twelve new species and varieties from the Pliocene. Journal of Paleontology. 4(1): 60-72. Plate , Fig