Nummulites moodybranchensis (Gravell & Hanna, 1935)
Class: Rotaliata  Subclass: Rotaliana  Order: Nummulitida  Family: Nummulitidae
found  unknown
Geological Time:     

View of a specimen of Nummulites moodybranchensis (Gravell & Hanna, 1935)
The identification is based upon:
 , : Gravell, D. W. & Hanna, M. A. 1935. Larger foraminifera from the Moody's Branch marl, Jackson Eocene, of Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Jour.Paleontology. 9 (4): 327-340.    Plate , Fig. 
dataset number: FEU-1022783
, : Gravell, D. W. & Hanna, M. A. 1935. Larger foraminifera from the Moody's Branch marl, Jackson Eocene, of Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Jour.Paleontology. 9 (4): 327-340. Plate , Fig