Globuligerina frequens Fuchs, 1973
Class: Rotaliata  Subclass: Globigerinana  Order: Globigerinida  Family: Globuligerinidae
   Southern Polish Basin   Poland
Geological Time: Jurassic  Upper Jurassic  Oxfordian

image courtesy of
View of a specimen of Globuligerina frequens Fuchs, 1973
The identification is based upon:
 Gebhardt, H., 2010: Foraminiferal holotypes, lectotypes, and syntypes stored in the paleontological collection of the Geological Survey of Austria.  Abhandlungen der geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 150, Wien   Plate 7, Fig. 19
dataset number: FEU-1008145
Gebhardt, H., 2010: Foraminiferal holotypes, lectotypes, and syntypes stored in the paleontological collection of the Geological Survey of Austria. Abhandlungen der geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 150, Wien Plate 7, Fig 19