Glomospirella gaultina (Berthelin, 1880)
Class: Spirillinata  Subclass: Ammodiscana  Order: Spirillinida  Family: Ammodiscidae
   North European Plain   Germany
Geological Time: Cretaceous  Lower Cretaceous  Albian

image courtesy of Michael A. Kaminski
Special Publications Editor of The Grzybowski Foundation
View of a specimen of Glomospirella gaultina (Berthelin, 1880)

size 560µm
The identification is based upon:
 Szarek, R., Klosowska, B., Prokoph, A., Kuhnt, Wolfgang, Wagner, T.,, 2000: Upper Albian agglutinated foraminifera of Northeast Germany. Hart, M., Kaminski, M., Smart, C.W. (Editors): Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on Agglutinated foraminifera Krakow: Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 7.  19 pages Plate 1, Fig. 12
dataset number: FEU-1007749
Szarek, R., Klosowska, B., Prokoph, A., Kuhnt, Wolfgang, Wagner, T.,, 2000: Upper Albian agglutinated foraminifera of Northeast Germany. Hart, M., Kaminski, M., Smart, C.W. (Editors): Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on Agglutinated foraminifera Krakow: Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 7. 19 pages Plate 1, Fig 12