Cibicidoides mckannai Galloway and Wissler, 1927Class: Rotaliata Subclass: Rotaliana Order: Rotaliida Family: CibicididaeOccurrence in unknown USA Western Canada and USA North America Age: Quaternary Pleistocene View of Cibicidoides mckannai Galloway and Wissler, 1927 holotype REPOSITORY: American Museum of Natural History, NY Microfossil Type Catalog Number: AMNH-FI-19799 Courtesy of AMNH, Invertebrate Paleontology, New York REFERENCE: Galloway, J. J., Wissler, S. G., 1927. Pleistocene Foraminifera from the Lomita quarry, Palos Verdes hills, California. Journal of Paleontology. V.1, page 35-87 Pl.10 F.5 |
dataset number: FEU-1007670 |