Orbulina suturalis  Brönnimann, 1951
Class: Rotaliata  Subclass: Globigerinana  Order: Globigerinida  Family: Globigerinidae
waterdepth 1229m
   South China and Sulu Sea   off territorial waters
Geological Time: Quaternary    
the raw material is provided by Prof. Dr. Kuo-Yen Wei and photographed by
The identification is based upon:
 Norris, R.D., 1998: Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy: eastern equatorial Atlantic.  in Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159.   Plate 2, Fig. 17
dataset number: FEU-1014494