Operculina ammonoides  (Gronovius, 1781)
Class: Rotaliata  Subclass: Rotaliana  Order: Nummulitida  Family: Nummulitidae
found at Salalah
near beach
   Arabian Sea   Oman
Geological Time: Quaternary  Holocene  recent
the image is made by Dr. Georg Rosenfeldt and Michael Hesemann with support of the
Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg

material provided by Prof. Mohammed Al-Wosabi
The identification is based upon:
 Hohenegger, Johann, 2011: Large Foraminifera - Greenhouse constructions and gardeners in the oceanic microcosm. The Kagoshima University Museum, Kagoshima Bulletin No. 5.  81 pp. Plate 64+65, Fig. --
dataset number: FEU-1003773
Citation: Hesemann, M., The Foraminifera.eu Database (2024). Accessed at http://www.foraminifera.eu on 2024-10-11. doi: 10/dt5p