Spirillina limbata  Brady, 1879
Class: Spirillinata  Subclass: Spirillinana  Order: Involutinida  Family: Spirillinidae
   Greater North Sea   UK
Geological Time: Quaternary  Holocene  recent
the image is made by Dr. Georg Rosenfeldt and Michael Hesemann with support of the
Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg

the raw material is provided by
The identification is based upon:
 Debenay, Jean-Pierre, 2012:  A guide to 1,000 Foraminifera from the Southwestern Pacific New Caledonia.   380 pp. Plate 19, Fig. 
dataset number: FEU-1001478
Citation: Hesemann, M., The Foraminifera.eu Database (2024). Accessed at http://www.foraminifera.eu on 2024-09-14. doi: 10/dt5p