Ossaggittia rostrata (Silvestri, 1904)
Class: Rotaliata  Subclass: Rotaliana  Order: Rotaliida  Family: Pleurostomellidae
Geological Time: Neogene    

the image is published under CC BY-NO-SA in the World Foraminifera Database
View of a specimen of Ossaggittia rostrata (Silvestri, 1904)
The identification is based upon:
 , : Hayward, B.W., Kawagata, S., Sabaa, A.T., Grenfell, H.R., van Kerckhoven, L., Johnson, K., and Thomas, E., 2012. The last global extinction (Mid-Pleistocene) of deep-sea benthic foraminifera (Chrysalogoniidae, Ellipsoidinidae, Glandulonodosariidae, Plectofrondiculariidae, Pleursostomellidae, Stilostomellidae), their Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic history and taxonomy: Cushman Foundation for Foraminifera    Plate , Fig. 
dataset number: FEU-1024463
, : Hayward, B.W., Kawagata, S., Sabaa, A.T., Grenfell, H.R., van Kerckhoven, L., Johnson, K., and Thomas, E., 2012. The last global extinction (Mid-Pleistocene) of deep-sea benthic foraminifera (Chrysalogoniidae, Ellipsoidinidae, Glandulonodosariidae, Plectofrondiculariidae, Pleursostomellidae, Stilostomellidae), their Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic history and taxonomy: Cushman Foundation for Foraminifera Plate , Fig