Hastigerina pelagica (d'Orbigny, 1846)
Class: Rotaliata  Subclass: Globigerinana  Order: Globigerinida  Family: Hastigerinidae
found at the station  Meteor Cruise 5/2 KL9
Station KL9 from 810m depth
   Red Sea   Egypt
Geological Time: Quaternary    

the SEM image is provided by M.Sc.
View of a specimen of Hastigerina pelagica (d'Orbigny, 1846)
The identification is based upon:
 Oehms, M., 2014: Das Ueberlieferungspotential von Schalen der planktonischen Foraminiferenart Hastigerina pelagica in pelagischen Sedimenten Master Thesis University of Bremen, Faculty of Geosciences 59 pp. Plate , Fig. 
dataset number: FEU-1013819
Oehms, M., 2014: Das Ueberlieferungspotential von Schalen der planktonischen Foraminiferenart Hastigerina pelagica in pelagischen Sedimenten Master Thesis University of Bremen, Faculty of Geosciences 59 pp. Plate , Fig