Class: Rotaliata  Subclass: Textulariana  Order: Lituolida  Family: Cyclamminidae
found in the pit of  Kobrow
   North European Plain   Germany
Geological Time: Paleogene  Oligocene  Chattian
Sternberger Gestein
the specimen is photographed by
The identification is based upon:
 Kaminski, M.A., Silye, L., and Kender, S., 2005: Miocene deep-water agglutinated foraminifera from ODP Hole 909c: Implications for the paleoceanography of the Fram Strait area, Greenland Sea. micropaleontology, 51 (5), 373-403.  31 pp. Plate 118, Fig. all
dataset number: FEU-1015712
Citation: Hesemann, M., The Database (2024). Accessed at on 2024-10-04. doi: 10/dt5p