Uvigerina semiornata  d'Orbigny, 1846
Class: Rotaliata  Subclass: Rotaliana  Order: Rotaliida  Family: Uvigerinidae
found at Stade
   North European Plain   Germany
Geological Time: Neogene  Miocene  
the image is made by Dr. Georg Rosenfeldt and Michael Hesemann with support of the
Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg

the raw material is provided by
The identification is based upon:
 Daniels, C. H. von, Spiegler, D., 1977: Uvigerinen (Foram.) im Neogen Nordwestdeutschlands. Geologisches Jahrbuch, A 40, p. 3-59  57 pp. Plate 3, Fig. 4-8
dataset number: FEU-1000130
Citation: Hesemann, M., The Foraminifera.eu Database (2024). Accessed at http://www.foraminifera.eu on 2024-12-11. doi: 10/dt5p